



  1. 你就读的学校是地区认证的吗? 俄亥俄州 only accepts transfer credit from a Council of Higher Education (CHEA) recognized regionally accredited institution. 你可以访问 农谢先生.org to search for information regarding your institution's accreditation or reach out to your institution directly for accreditation information.
  2. 这门课你得了多少分? If the course was transferred from a CHEA-recognized regionally accredited institution and your grade was below a D-, 那么课程就不能转了. 在大多数情况下, nontraditional credit (pass/fail or competency-based education courses) earned at independent Ohio institutions or institutions outside of Ohio will not be transferable.
  3. 该课程是发展/补救课程吗? Courses that are not considered college level are usually indicated with course numbers below 100 or 1000 and do not transfer to 俄亥俄州.


如果一个即将到来的课程正在等待评估, the course status will be “no rule” on your transfer credit evaluation report. Please note that you have received credit for these courses, they are just pending evaluation. 课程是否被评估过, 相关信息将列在等效课程项下, 单位, 与品位. 有几种可能的结果:

  1. Your course matches a specific 俄亥俄州 course – the 俄亥俄州 department code and course number will be listed (e.g.(psy 1010).
  2. 你的课程所在的地区也由俄亥俄州教授, but the content does not match a specific 俄亥俄州 course – an 俄亥俄州 department code with an appropriate course level designation will be listed (e.g., PSY 2XXL, meaning this is a 2000 level psychology course with no specific match to an 俄亥俄州 course).
  3. Your course is in an area not offered by 俄亥俄州 – the departmental code, TECE, 意思是“技术选修课”,将与课程级别指定(e.g. TECE 1 (xxl). Each 俄亥俄州 academic college counts only a certain amount of TECE credit toward graduation. Check with your academic college for more specific information in this regard.

不,只有你的课程可以转学. You will begin with a new GPA once you enroll at 俄亥俄州; however, some selective admission programs may take your previous grades into account when considering you for admission to their majors.

我有一份dar的副本, but several courses that were listed on my transfer credit evaluation are not included. 为什么不?

有问题的课程正在等待评估. 虽然你已经获得了这项工作的荣誉, it does not appear on your DARS because it has not yet been evaluated. It can take between 3-10 business days for credit to be evaluated after admission is offered or transcripts are received. If it has been longer than 3-10 business days, please send an email to transfercredit@俄亥俄州.edu with your contact information and course details, and we will reach back out. Additional information may be required before the articulation process can be completed.

我认为课程评价是错误的. 我该怎么办??

联系你的学术顾问并解释你的担忧. Students can present additional information regarding previous coursework, 例如课程大纲和已完成作业的作品集, 厘清课程所取得的学习成果. Students will need to provide a copy of the course description and/or syllabus for a re-evaluation. More information and the Re-Evaluation Request Form can be found on the 转帐信用评估服务 网站.

Why am I getting an error message when I try to complete the Re-evaluation or Pre-approval form?

Only admitted or currently enrolled students can submit the re-evaluation and pre-approval forms. If you are not an admitted or enrolled student and you have a question about how a course will transfer to newbb电子平台, 你可以在Transferology上查找课程,或者把你的问题发邮件到 transfercredit@俄亥俄州.edu

如果您在上传证明文件时遇到问题, 确保它们是正确的文件类型(Word或PDF). We recommend accessing the forms using a Safari or Chrome web browser and uploading and viewing documents from a laptop or desktop computer, 而不是通过移动设备.


Changing your major should not affect your transfer credit evaluation. 然而, it is recommended to review your transfer credit with your academic advisor to see how your transfer credit fulfills the requirements of your new major and whether it is beneficial to seek any re-evaluations.

I want to take a class at another college or university and transfer my credit back to newbb电子平台. 我该怎么办??

联系 your academic advisor and discuss appropriate courses for transient study and submit a Transient Course Pre-Approval form. Learn more about transient study and access the Transient Course Pre-Approval Form on the 转帐信用评估服务 网站. 


Students who have activated their 俄亥俄州 ID after admission and have submitted their official college transcripts or score reports can view a preliminary transfer credit evaluation report in their online My 俄亥俄州 Student Center. You can find your 转移信用 Evaluation Report by selecting the drop-down menu under "Other Academic Information" and selecting "转移信用: Report". More information on how to understand your transfer credit evaluation 可以在这里找到.

我是大一新生,但有转学学分. 我该知道些什么?

Whether you’re participating in a dual enrollment program such as College Credit Plus or taking accelerated coursework at your high school, 我们提供了一条途径,让他们把获得的学分带到俄亥俄州. 以下课程一般可以转学: 

  • Dual enrollment credits in college-level courses completed at a Council for Higher Education (CHEA) recognized regionally accredited institution with a grade of D- or better.
  • 大学先修课程考试成绩3分或以上. 
  • International Baccalaureate score of 5 or higher on the Higher-Level exam. 

Your high school counselor is your best resource to help you determine what credits earned in high school may be transferrable. To receive transfer credit for this coursework request that official transcripts and test scores be sent directly from the awarding institution or testing agency to:

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