
罗伯特一个. 科尔文

Robert 科尔文, portrait in lab
Professor Emeritus of Physiology

Interdisciplinary 研究生 Program in Molecular and Cellular 生物学



  • BIOS 1700 Biological Sciences I: Molecules and Cells
  • BIOS 1030人类生物学
  • BIOS 4/5140 Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
  • MCB 7410 Seminar in Molecular 生物学
  • MCB 7600 Advanced Cell 生物学


  • Lab: Life Science Building 210 A/B

Neuronal mechanisms of zinc homeostasis, in particular discovering the cellular mechanisms that are responsible for buffering cytosolic free zinc concentrations and those involved in the control and regulation of cytosolic zinc transients. Such knowledge is important for giving us a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of neural degeneration in diseases such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease.


我获得了博士学位.D in cell physiology from Rutgers University. As a postdoctoral fellow in Cardiology at the University of 连接icut I was at the forefront of research on the then newly discovered cardiac Na/Ca exchanger and its role in cardiac disease. I switched my research focus after my postdoctoral stint to studying neurodegenerative diseases, specifically Alzheimer's disease and stroke. Here I studied the role of ion transport and calcium ion dysregulation in neuronal death. I soon became interested in zinc and its role in neurodegeneration, but realized that the field was in its infancy compared to studies of calcium ion homeostasis. I have been a successful PI on several previous and current university- and NIH-funded grants to study the role of zinc in neurodegeneration. 作为π, I directed the research program, mentored and trained several successful graduate students, and wrote several peer reviewed publications for each project. I have been a successful research collaborator; this is particularly evidenced in research that I undertook studying mechanisms of cognitive decline in aging and analyzing zinc in cultured neurons using X-ray fluorescence at 阿贡国家实验室.

Representative Publications

Sun B-L, Wang L-h, Yang T, Sun J-y, Mao L-l, Yang M-f, Yuan, Hui科尔文,RA, Yang, X-y Lymphatic drainage system of the brain: A novel target for intervention of neurological diseases. 神经生物学进展 在新闻 2017.

秦Y.,吉K.R.、金强.,赖斌.、钱C.科尔文·R.A. Current Methods Used to Probe and Quantify Intracellular Total and Free Zn(II) Dynamics, and Subcellular Distribution in Cultured Neurons. In: Metals in the Brain, Measurement and Imaging, Neuromethods, 124:195-224, 2017 doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6918-0_11.

科尔文类风湿性关节炎、金强,赖斌, Kiedrowski L. Visualizing Metal Content and Intracellular Distribution in Primary Hippocampal Neurons with Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence. 《newbb电子平台》. 2016;11(7):e0159582. doi: 10.1371 /杂志.玉米饼.0159582.

Qian C科尔文·RA. Letters to the Editor: Zinc Modulation of Cardiac Ryanodine Receptor Gating: Alternate Interpretation of the Interplay between Zinc and Calcium. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2016291:4266, 2016.

Qian C科尔文·RA. Zinc flexes its muscle: Correcting a novel analysis of calcium for zinc interference uncovers a method to measure zinc. J Gen physil. Jan;147(1):95-102, 2016 doi: 10.1085 / jgp.201511493.

科尔文R.A,赖斌W .福尔摩斯R and Lee, D. Understanding metal homeostasis in primary cultured neurons. Studies using single neuron subcellular and quantitative metallomics. Metallomics, 2015, 7:1111-1123. 发布更正: Metallomics 7, 1371 – 1371, 2015.

Lee MJ科尔文·RA and Lee D. Alterations of Dopaminergic Synapse and Mitochondrial Structure by Parkinson’s Disease Toxins. J摩尔生物学 & 摩尔成像. 1(2): 6, 2014.

钱Y, Wang X, 刘Y, Li Y科尔文·RA, 通L, 吴年代, Chen X. Extracellular ATP is internalized by macropinocytosis and induces intracellular ATP increase and drug resistance in cancer cells. 癌症的信 351:242-51, 2014.

刘Y, 曹Y, 张女士, Bergmeier年代, 钱Y, 阿克巴H科尔文·RA, 丁J, 通L, 吴年代, 海恩斯J, 陈旭. A Small-Molecule Inhibitor of Glucose Transporter 1 Down regulates Glycolysis, 诱导细胞周期阻滞, and Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth In Vitro and In Vivo. 巨蟹座 11: 1672-1682, 2012.

科尔文R.A. 和刘杰. Proceedings from the Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference 2011. 前言. BMC生物信息学 [j] .科学通报,2012

方丹,C.P.Ryan, T.J.Coschigano, P.W.科尔文,R.A. Novel Testing of a Biological Safety Cabinet Using PCR. newbb电子生物安全: Journal of the American Biological Safety Association 15:186-196, 2010.

科尔文,R.A.W .福尔摩斯.R.方丹,C.P.W .马雷特. Cytosolic zinc buffering and muffling: their role in intracellular zinc homeostasis. Metallomics 2:306-317, 2010.

秦,Y.托马斯·D.方丹,C.P.科尔文,R.A. Silencing of ZnT1 reduces Zn2+ efflux in cultured cortical neurons. >信 450:206-210, 2009.

Pawlowski T.L.贝鲁什,L.L.怀特,A.W.沃克,J.P.科尔文,R.A.和休特尔曼,M.J. Hippocampal gene expression changes during age-related cognitive decline. 大脑研究 1256:101-110, 2009.

秦,Y.托马斯·D.方丹,C.P.科尔文,R.A. 锌的形成机理2+ efflux in cultured cortical neurons. 神经化学杂志 107:1304-1313, 2008.

科尔文,R.A.布什,A.I.Volitakis, I.方丹,C.P.托马斯·D.菊池,K.福尔摩斯,W.R.《newbb电子》2+ homeostasis in neurons from experimental and modeling studies. American Journal of Cell Physiology 294:C726-C742, 2008.