


陈志强于2016年加入土木工程系. He teaches courses in water resources engineering and fluid mechanics. Che’s research primarily focuses on using computational optimization models to determine optimal designs of hydraulic structures and operation of water resource infrastructures. 在加入newbb电子平台之前, Che worked as a water resources engineer at Atkins North America, 公司., where he specialized in writing python codes for automating high-resolution hydrologic and hydraulics (H&H)模型开发和模拟. 他曾参与莫哈维县的项目, 哈瓦苏湖城, 马里科帕县, and Riverside County; the findings of these projects were presented to state and federal agencies in order to determine new flood hazard areas and develop emergency plans in those regions. He has served as the Principal Investigator of several hydraulic research projects for Ohio Department of Transportation, 通用磨坊, 以及美国国家科学院, 工程, 和医学.

主要研究方向: 实时降雨和洪水预报, 河流-水库系统的实时优化运行, interfacing simulation and optimization models for urban water resources management, optimization models for sustainable water resources solutions in urban areas, 机器学习在水资源工程中的newbb电子

所有学位: Ph.D., Civil 工程, Arizona State University, 2015; M.S.E., Civil 工程, Arizona State University, 2011; B.S.E.,土木工程,美国亚利桑那州立大学,2009



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  • 切,D.,梅斯,L. (2015). A Real Time Optimization/Simulation Model for River-Reservoir Systems. Sanford, AZ: Arizona Floodplain Management Association Fall 2015 Conference.
  • 切,D.南格里,M.,梅斯,L. (2011). Optimal Determination of Unit Hydrograph and Loss Parameters using Nonlinear Programming Model. Tucson, AZ: Arizona Floodplain Management Association Spring 2011 Conference.


  • 卡里姆,M., 切,D. (2023). Hydrologic and Hydraulic Assessment of Environmental Flows for Sustainable Hydropower Development: A Case Study of Indus River at Ghazi Barrage. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023.
  • 克鲁斯·丹尼尔斯,N.萨普科塔,B., 切,D. (2022). Assessment and Prioritization of Culverts for Enhanced Fish Passage. 芝加哥:美国地球物理联合会秋季会议2022.
  • 萨普克塔,B., 切,D.莫拉,A. (2022). Development of an Integrated Optimization Model for Sustainable Transboundary Water 资源 Management in Northern 墨西哥. 芝加哥,伊利诺伊州:美国地球物理联合会秋季会议2022.
  • 克鲁斯·丹尼尔斯,N., 切,D.萨普托卡,B. (2022). Assessment of Prioritization of Culverts for Enhanced Fish Passage. Youngstown State University : Ohio River Basin Consortium for 研究 and Education (ORBRE) Symposium 2022.
  • 萨普克塔,B., 切,D. (2022). Assessment and Prioritization of Culverts for Enhanced Fish Passage. Cleveland, Ohio: Society of Ecological Restoration Midwest Great Lake Chapter Annual Meeting, 2022.
  • 海达尔,M., 切,D. (2021). Sustainable Water Allocation in Umarkhed Taluka through Optimization of Reservoir Operation in the Wardha Sub-basin, 印度 . 新奥尔良:美国地球物理联合会2021年秋季会议.
  • 海德尔,M.迈尔斯,E., 切,D. (2020). Sustainable Water Allocation Projection in Yavatmal District through Optimization of Reservoir Operation in the Warda-Penganga Sub-Basin, 印度. 美国地球物理联合会2020年秋季会议.
  • Capuano J., 切,D. (2019). Optimization Model for the Selection and Placement of Green Infrastructure for Runoff Control and Pollutant Removal. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019.
  • Capuano J., 切,D. (2019). Optimization Model for the Selection and Placement of Green Infrastructure for Runoff Control and Pollutant Removal. 俄亥俄州雅典:俄亥俄河研究与教育联盟.
  • Tahiri,., 切,D.拉德韦兹,D.凯龙星,P.阿基米德,B. (2018). Flood Routing Model for Water 资源 Optimization Algorithms. 华盛顿特区.C.:美国地球物理联合会2018年秋季会议.
  • Monuir,., 切,D. (2017). Development of a Reservoir System Operation Model for Water Sustainability in the Yaqui River Basin. New Orleans, LA: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017.
  • 穆尼尔,., 切,D. (2017). Development of a Reservoir System Operation Model for Water Sustainability in the Yaqui River Basin. Marshall University, Huntington, WV: Ohio River Consortium for 研究 and Education.
  • 切,D.罗伯斯-莫拉,A.Mayer, A.维沃尼,E. (2012). Water 资源 Sustainability in Northwest 墨西哥: Analysis of Regional Infrastructure Plans under Historical and Climate Change Scenarios . 旧金山:美国地球物理联合会2012年秋季会议.


  • 切,D.J .布里克勒.霍利,我.Kim, T.卡里姆,M.木匠,J.怀特,K. (2024). ODOT岩石通道设计程序的验证. 23. AASHTO Technical Committee on Hydrology and Hydraulics Hydrolink.


  • 克鲁斯·丹尼尔斯,N.鲍曼,J.沙利文,n.n.麦基,A., 切,D.萨普科塔,B. (2022). Division of Planning 研究 On-Call Task #8 – Assessment and Prioritization of Culverts for Enhanced Fish Passage.


  • 切,D.霍利,我.怀特,K.Reshma, F.普什图人. (2024). Design and Construction of Temporary Facilities in Streams and Rivers: Hydraulic and Hydrologic 工程 Considerations and Practices. 华盛顿特区C: National Academies of Sciences, 工程, 和医学; 108. http://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/27647/design-and-construction-of-temporary-facilities-in-streams-and-rivers-hydraulic-and-hydrologic-engineering-considerations-and-practices.
  • 切,D.霍利,我.怀特,K.罗斯威尔,D. (2022). Efficient and Effective Ways to Manage Water through ODOT’s Temporary Fills during Construction. 俄亥俄州哥伦布市:俄亥俄州交通运输部 .
  • 切,D.怀特,K.纳萨维奇,P.霍利,我.罗斯威尔,D. (2022). 冲刷预测工具. 俄亥俄州哥伦布市:俄亥俄州交通运输部 .
  • Kruse-Daniels N.鲍曼,J.沙利文,n.n.麦基,A., 切,D.萨普科塔,B. (2022). Assessment and Prioritization of Culverts for Enhanced Fish Passage. 俄亥俄州哥伦布市:俄亥俄州交通运输部 .
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