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John Cotton

John Cotton
Associate Professor
Stocker Center 255
Biomedical Engineering

约翰·科顿在20世纪90年代初担任联邦公路管理局特纳-费尔班克公路研究中心的承包商,模拟高速公路流量. After completing his Ph.D., 他获得了英国南安普顿大学生物工程科学研究小组的研究奖学金, 模拟人体骨骼的疲劳损伤. 科顿回到弗吉尼亚理工大学,在工程科学和力学学院任职,直到2007年. Cotton发表了60多篇论文和会议论文. He has taught introductory mechanics, physics, 以及计算方法课程,以及传统和生物材料的数值模拟和力学的高级课程.

Research Interests: Computational mechanics, biomechanics, finite element analysis, 材料损伤与粘弹性表征

All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Tech, 1998; M.S., Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Tech, 1989; B.S.,工程科学与力学,弗吉尼亚理工大学,1987年

Something you may not know about me: 科顿花了一年的时间在大洋洲、东南亚和南亚、非洲和欧洲背包旅行

Journal Article, Academic Journal (16)

  • Snively, E., O’Brien, H., Henderson, D., Mallison, H., Surring, L., Burns, M., Holtz Jr, T., Russell, A., Witmer, L., Currie, P., Hartman, S., Cotton, J. (2019). 较低的转动惯量和较大的腿部肌肉表明,霸王龙的转身速度比其他大型兽脚亚目恐龙更快. 7:e6432. 43.
  • Mahato, N., Montuelle, S., Goubeaux, C., Cotton, J., Williams, S., Thomas, J., Clark, B. (2017). 用一种新的基于核磁共振成像的建模技术量化椎间位移:用猪脊柱模型评估测量偏差和可靠性. Magnetic Resonance Imaging; 38: 77–86.
  • Mahato, N., Montuelle, S., Goubeaux, C., Cotton, J., Williams, S., Thomas, J., Clark, B. (2017). 用一种新的基于核磁共振成像的建模技术量化椎间位移:用猪脊柱模型评估测量偏差和可靠性.. Magnetic resonance imaging; 38: 77-86.
  • Mahato, N., Montuelle, S., Cotton, J., Williams, S., Thomas, J., Clark, B. (2016). 基于形态学的建模技术的发展,用于跟踪实体位移:检查关节运动学评估的潜在mri方法的可靠性. 1. BMC medical imaging; 16: 13.
  • Gilbert, M., Snively, E., Cotton, J. (2016). 驼鸟的跗跖骨:解剖学, Bone Densities, and Structural Mechanics. 3. PLOS One; 11: 40.
  • Snively, E., Cotton, J., Ridgely, R., Witmer, L. (2013). 异特龙头颈部功能的多体动力学模型. 2. Palaeontologia Electronica; 16: 29.
  • Ertas, A., Winwood, K., Zioupos, P., Cotton, J. (2012). 人类皮质骨非均质样品蠕变的模拟. 10. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering; 15: 1121-1128.
  • Dunlap, T., Keller, D., Marshall, M., Costerton, W., Schaudinn, C., Sindelar, B., Cotton, J. (2011). 口腔清创剂的龈下递送:概念的证明. 5. Journal of Clinical Dentistry; 22: 149-158.
  • Eichenseer, P., Sybert, D., Cotton, J. (2011). 不同载荷条件下骶髂关节韧带的有限元分析. 22. Spine; 36: 1446-52.
  • Miller, L., Nickols-Richardson, S., Wooten, D., Ramp, W., Steele, C., Cotton, J., Carneal, J., Herbert, W. (2009). 等速阻力训练增加年轻女性胫骨弯曲刚度. Calcified Tissue International International; 84: 446–452.
  • Nam, J., Cotton, J., Grant, J. (2007). A Virtual Hair Cell: I. 将浇注弹簧理论加入三维束力学模型. Biophysical Journal; Vol. 92: p. 1918-1928.
  • Nam, J., Cotton, J., Grant, J. (2007). A Virtual Hair Cell: II. 机电换能器参数的评估. Biophysical Journal; 92: 1929-1937.
  • Anderson, D., Cotton, J. (2007). 基于CT图像有限元模型的经皮骶骨成形术力学分析. Medical Engineering and Physics; 29: 316-325.
  • Winwood, K., Zioupos, P., Currey, J., Cotton, J., taylor, M. (2006). Strain patterns during tensile, compressive, 人皮质骨的剪切疲劳及其对骨生物力学的启示. Part A. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research; Vol. 79 (2): p. 289-297.
  • Cotton, J. (2004). 毛细胞束力学的计算模型:2. Simplified bundle models. Hearing Research; Vol. 197 (1-2): pp. 105-111.
  • Cotton, J. (2004). 毛细胞束力学的计算模型:2. 3-D utricular bundles. Hearing Research; Vol. 197(1-2): pp. 112-130.

Conference Proceeding (10)

Abstract (1)

  • Cotton, J. (2016). 弹塑性材料三点弯曲下尺骨断裂自动模拟.

Technical Report (1)

  • Edwards, J., Quinet, D., Cotton, J., Kraft, F., Bruckner, D. (2011). endfirelide Slope (EFGS)对近期易损性要求变化的符合性评估. OU/AEC 11-08/TM- DTFAWA-10-D00020-TTD1; 73 pages.
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