
Syllabus Streamline: A Course Materials 访问 and Affordability Initiative

俄亥俄州 大学图书馆 wishes to maximize student access to assigned course materials. Instructors are encouraged to send their syllabi or course readings lists to their using 这种形式. 图书馆 staff will locate library copies of articles, 媒体, 电子和印刷书籍, and make them easily available to students at no cost.  We can put physical items on reserve, provide scans of book chapters, and provide reliable perma链接 to electronic content for use in a course syllabus or shell, 校内及校外.

This ensures convenient and reliable access with the lowest possible cost to students while maintaining copyright compliance.


  • No-cost electronic options whenever available
  • Links are accessible from on- and off-campus with only the 俄亥俄州 ID
  • 图书馆 print copies (if available) are accessible to everyone in the class through course reserve


  • Maximizes access to your current course materials
  • 版权的
  • 图书馆 staff do the work to find the stable 链接, 储备材料, make it available in your Canvas or 黑板上 shell, 等.


  • Improves librarians’ understanding of curriculum which leads to more relevant collection purchases and more applicable library instruction
  • Promotes communication, partnership, and collaboration between faculty and librarians
  • Improves accuracy of library usage data

Why should I care about course materials access and affordability?

Making sure your students have reliable and no-cost access to their course materials can improve student learning.  研究 shows that because of a variety of concerns related to costs, students often don’t have access to required course materials at the beginning of the semester or when it would be most beneficial to their learning*.  This initiative leverages librarians’ expertise and library content to ensure that your reading lists are as accessible and reliable as possible.

Does this mean the 库 will purchase all my required readings or textbooks?

No.  This initiative reviews your course materials requirements and looks for matches in the more than 3 million items already owned or licensed by the 库.  We then make sure you have stable, copyright-compliant perma链接 to electronic content and/or our books and DVDs are accessible through course reserves for all of your students.

Will my librarian be suggesting alternatives to my required readings?

No.  This initiative is about making sure your students have the cheapest and most reliable access to the course materials you have already selected.  If those materials have already been purchased by the libraries, then we want to make sure students can access them.  不过,请随时联系 你的图书管理员 if you are interested in locating alternative course materials.

What do you mean by “copyright compliant?”  I already have my readings in Canvas or 黑板上, 我的教学大纲里有链接, 或者贴在我的网页上. 这有什么用呢?? 

If you are providing 链接 to electronic library content, we can make sure you have stable perma链接 that allow access from on- and off- campus.  Best practices for copyright compliant use of library-licensed electronic content are to use 链接 to the content, not post full text materials.  The license agreements for electronic content almost always explicitly allow 链接 to electronic content.  另外, using the perma链接 allows us to gather more accurate data about the use of purchased library materials.

When should I send my syllabus or readings list to my librarian?

越快越好.  Lists will be reviewed on a first-come basis.

How long will it take to review my reading list?

It depends on the length of your list, 你提交的时间, and the type of response you request.  We ask that you plan on at least a week (and more if you are submitted a long list or at the start of the semester).

What type of response will I receive?

Whatever makes the most sense for you and your course – we can simply reply by email or update a Word document.


Attach your syllabus or course readings list and complete 这种形式.


*Florida Virtual Campus, 2016 Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey.

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