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Laptop Loan 的指导方针

A small number of laptops are available at 奥尔登图书馆's 2nd Floor Service Desk for 7-day loan periods to 俄亥俄州 students, 教师 and staff.

Check Laptop Availability

图书馆 laptops all checked out? Consider 俄亥俄州 IT's Student Laptop Loan Program

借款 的指导方针

奥尔登图书馆 provides laptops for students, 教师, and staff to borrow for a short time period of seven days or less. Due to the limited number of laptops available, we are not able to lend the laptops longer than the 7-day loan period.

  • Please bring your Ohio University ID card to check out a laptop.
  • The maximum loan period is 7 days. 
    • Laptops may not be renewed.
    • If you return the laptop on time and we have additional laptops in stock for others to check out, you may request to check out the laptop again.   If no other laptops are available, you will not be able to check out the laptop until the next day.
    • Patrons who do not return a laptop on time may be prohibited from checking out a laptop for the remainder of the semester or for a time period determined by library staff.
  • Borrowers will receive reminders about due dates and overdue notices in their 俄亥俄州 email and may at any time check the status of their borrowed items via their 图书馆 Account.
  • Borrowers are responsible for the equipment during the loan period and may be liable for any damages. If a laptop is not returned, it will be considered lost and the borrower will be liable for a replacement fee ($1,000.00 for laptop, $200.00 for charger). A registration hold will also be placed on the borrower's account until the laptop is returned or the fee is paid.

Laptop Use Tips

  • Loaner laptops have the same software installed as Alden’s desktop PC’s.
  • You may install programs to the laptops, but any programs will be uninstalled automatically when the laptop is rebooted. 
    • Note that Proctortrack is not compatible with the laptop configuration and is not able to be installed.
  • Save your work to your own storage device (such as a USB flash drive) or cloud storage (such as OneDrive).
  • Files saved to the laptop’s hard drive are automatically deleted when the laptop is restarted and cannot be recovered.