

Keep in mind that study space is a privilege based on students’ respect and care of the facilities.

  1. Turn off all lights and other power equipment when leaving.
  2. Dispose of all trash and recyclables in the proper receptacles.
  3. If chairs were moved into or out of the room, please return chairs to their original position. The ping pong table, TV and wooden TV console may not be moved.
  4. Allow the custodial staff access during evening hours to do routine cleaning during informal study.
  5. Rooms are available for study space provided they are not in use by staff and faculty or prescheduled for events.
  6. The Heritage College is not responsible for unattended personal items left in student lounges.

Group Study and Group Seminar Rooms as 研究空间

  1. Turn off all lights and other power equipment when leaving.
  2. Dispose of all trash and recyclables in the proper receptacles.
  3. If furniture is moved during studying, please move it back to its original placement prior to leaving.
  4. Allow the custodial staff access during evening hours to do routine cleaning during informal study.
  5. Rooms are available for study space provided they are not in use for Heritage College curricular meetings or in use by staff and faculty.
  6. Erase white boards when possible; content is not guaranteed to remain once the room is vacated.
  7. The Heritage College is not responsible for unattended personal items left in a group study or group seminar room.
  8. Negotiate sharing the space if possible. If you are studying alone, others may use the room to share the study space.


Undesignated areas may be used for group discussion or as quiet areas. Use is determined by the preference of the first students to occupy the space. The Heritage College is not responsible for unattended personal items left in undesignated areas.


OhioHealth 医学教育 Building 1 (MEB1)

  • 中庭,101 -未指定
  • 中庭,101 -未指定
  • Learning 资源 Center, 106 - Group Study
  • Learning 资源 Center, 106G - INDIVIDUAL Study
  • Second Floor Group Seating - Undesignated
  • Student Lounge, 201 - Undesignated
  • Break Room, 235 - Undesignated
  • 301 -研讨会
  • 303 -研讨会
  • 305 -研讨会
  • 310 -研讨会
  • 314 -研讨会
  • 344 -研讨会
  • 347 -研讨会
  • 349 -研讨会
  • 休息室,316 -未指定
  • Student Lounge, 410 - Undesignated
  • Media Room, 417 - Undesignated
  • 401 -小组学习
  • 403 -小组研究
  • 小组学习
  • 小组学习
  • 小组学习
  • 小组学习
  • 小组学习
  • Richard "Rick" Vincent Lounge - Undesignated 

OhioHealth 医学教育 Building 2 (MEB2)

  • Lobby Group Seating - Undesignated
  • 212 -未指定
  • 209 -小组学习

Osteopathic Heritage Foundation Anatomy Lab (Anatomy)

Lobby/Lounge - Undesignated


For more information, please contact Dr. 凯拉的责任.