
newbb电子平台 takes the lead: Bridging the gap in 学校 counselor shortages

美国各地的学生, 包括俄亥俄州, 西维吉尼亚州, 和肯塔基州, 导航的学者, 课外活动, 以及个人的挣扎. Unfortunately, they also face a shared challenge: limited access to 学校 counselors.

意识到紧迫性,newbb电子平台 已经启动了 该州第一个获得认证的 在线硕士学校咨询由一所公立大学提供. 在线课程与 美国学校咨询协会CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling 和 Related Educational Program) st和ards.

The American School Counselor Association recommends a ratio of 1 counselor to 250 学生, 但这些州的比率都高于平均水平. 根据心理健康平台 查理健康, Ohio faces the most significant shortage of the three with a 403:1 ratio, 其次是肯塔基州,366:1,西弗吉尼亚州,325:1. 这极大地限制了对学生的个人支持, resulting in longer wait times 和 less personalized attention being available.

All 学生 deserve dedicated resources 和 dependable assistance for their mental health. Unfortunately, the current situation paints a concerning picture. A 2023年的调查 《newbb电子平台》杂志披露.4% of youth aged 12-17 reported experiencing at least one major depressive episode in the past year, 有11个.5%的人目前患有严重的重度抑郁症. As U.S. 卫生局局长Vivek Murthy说 在2022年2月的一次演讲中宣布, the growing number of young people facing mental health challenges is "我们这个时代决定性的公共卫生危机."


The shortage of 学校 counselors can create a ripple effect impacting everything from graduation rates 和 mental well-being. 与焦虑作斗争的学生, 抑郁症, or even just everyday pressure of growing up can lead to academic decline, 心理健康问题, 以及幸福感的减弱.

Resourceful in the face of limited counseling resources, rural Ohio districts are turning to 学生培训 as a provisional bridge to address their 学生' mental health needs. 虽然这一倡议值得肯定, it highlights the critical need to address the current inadequacies for mental health support within 学校s.


newbb电子平台的 online Master’s in School Counseling program is open to anyone with a bachelor's degree in any field, 包括寻求职业发展的K-12专业人士. 这个项目, 一般在6到7个学期完成, 提供全面的课程, 实践经验, 教师指导, 和一个 直接路径 to 学校 counseling licensure for those looking to make a meaningful impact on student success.


有抱负的学校辅导员, 特别是在农村地区, face a unique challenge: limited access to traditional graduate programs. 这就是俄亥俄州在线学校辅导员项目的亮点所在.  该项目的灵活性消除了地理障碍, allowing 学生 to pursue their educational goals without relocating. 这一点至关重要, as rural districts desperately need qualified counselors to address the mental health 和一个cademic needs of their 学生.


这个项目 covers essential topics like mental health awareness, 危机干预, 和 strategies for fostering a positive 和 inclusive 学校 environment. Students gain h和s-on experience through supervised practicums in real-world 学校 settings, 为他们将要面对的挑战做好准备.

在开发和设计课程时, the faculty have combined relevant research 和 their real-world experiences as 学校 counselors, 学校心理健康咨询师, 和 counselor educators to inform learning opportunities for 学生,项目协调员博士说. Tamarine领班.

Preparing 学校 counselors for the places that need them the most

The newbb电子平台 online 学校 counseling program was created to provide 学校 counselors with the abilities to identify 和 comprehend the significance of location 和 culture 和 how it could influence learning.

“这个项目 is designed to prepare 学校 counseling practitioners who are aware of their self, 学生, 学校, 以及其他可能影响学习成功的文化影响,福尔曼说。. “The case examples provided in our curriculum are based on faculty experiences 和 the cultural factors that our Appalachian 和 rural 学生 might face. For example, poverty, food insecurity, 和 variable living environments.”


newbb电子平台 isn't just aiming to fill positions; it's building a network of highly qualified counselors. 该计划侧重于综合方法, 强调换位思考, 沟通, 以及有效的支持策略.

“课程的设计是为了教育整个人, with a focus on wellness 和一个n appreciation for diversity 和 inclusion. Our 学生 are trained to reflect on their own experiences so they might improve 和 be aware of how they are impacted by their work, 工头说.

An integral part of the newbb电子平台 education experience is providing its 学生 the opportunity to network with alumni that have field experience.

“We also ask alumni working in the Appalachian community to share their personal experiences as a 学校 counselor 和 provide opportunities for current 学生 和一个lumni to connect, 合作, 和网络,福尔曼说。.


OHIO’s program also recognizes the mental health of its participants by completing a wellness plan to address how they will care for their self while tending to others. 通过这种实践, 学生 are encouraged to critically examine their experiences 和 identify areas for personal growth.

“We also provide referrals to counseling resources for all 学生, 他们觉得有必要进行个人咨询吗. 我们的学生从他们的指导老师那里得到支持, 研究生支持专家, 以及整个项目的教职工,福尔曼说。.


Esteemed institutions like the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) 和 the 全国学校心理学家协会 (NASP) advocate for adequate counselor-to-student ratios 和 effective 学校 counseling programs to address pressing issues such as student mental health 和一个cademic achievement gaps. 此外,像《newbb电子》这样的期刊 & Development (JCD) 和 Professional School Counselor (PSC) regularly publish research highlighting the vital role of 学校 counselors in promoting student success.


newbb电子平台的 在线硕士学校咨询 offers a unique opportunity to become a part of the solution to the 学校 counselor shortage in Ohio. 灵活的格式, 相关的课程, 注重质量, this program empowers you to make a meaningful impact on the lives of countless 学生 和 contribute to a brighter future for Ohio's educational l和scape.
