
想象自己是一名侦探, but instead of solving mysteries on the bustling streets of a metropolis, you're unraveling the secrets of the universe in a laboratory, 一次一个原子. Sneha Upadhyay是一位获奖的博士.D. student at newbb电子平台 in physics and astronomy, pulls out her quantum magnifying glass—or in this case, microscope-every天.



在一个连非物理学家都印象深刻的实验室(低温/变温-自旋极化扫描隧道显微镜-分子束外延实验室), 或LT/VT-SPSTM MBE实验室), Sneha works on experiments that feel like unsolved mysteries to most people. 在顾问的指导下 物理学和天文学教授Arthur R. 史密斯,她是一个团队的一员 文学院 & 科学 exploring new frontiers in quantum materials, a use for quantum physics that may reveal the future of healthcare, 可持续能源, 太空探索, 等. 

使用工具和技术,使她能够在原子水平上操纵材料, Sneha可以调整所用原子的类型, 他们的装配顺序, 以及形成量子材料所需的环境条件,量子材料可用于制造更快、更高效的电子设备, 量子计算机, 传感器, and other technologies used in these fields. 自旋电子学, 正如她的研究领域所知, 关注的是电子如何自旋, 而不是它的电荷, 能告知新型电子产品吗.

Sneha在实验室的杰出成就超越了理解某些材料如何改变其属性,从而彻底改变我们存储数据或动力设备的方式. Her time at OHIO has also allowed her to become an expert in the lab’s equipment, 从重新设计用于观察原子的超低温显微镜,到与实验室伙伴一起更新实验室分子束外延(MBE)机器的部件, 泰勒·埃里克森.

更令人印象深刻的是? 2023年11月,Sneha从来自全国各地的科学家中脱颖而出,赢得了诺贝尔奖 National Graduate 研究 Award at the AVS International Symposium, awarded to only eight students nationally each year. 这种全国性的赞誉证明了她的辛勤工作和她的研究令人兴奋的潜力. 

Sneha回答了几个问题 俄亥俄州的新闻 关于这个奖项,她在实验室的工作,以及科学领域的女性如何为成功做准备.

物理Ph值.D student Sneha Upadhyay in Clippinger 研究 Annex
物理Ph值.博士生Sneha Upadhyay在Clippinger研究附件与用于研究自旋电子学的设备

Ben Seigel拍摄.

Q & 我是Sneha Upadhyay

Q: Congratulations on winning the prestigious National AVS Student 研究 Award! 你能给我们简要介绍一下你在量子材料方面的研究吗?为什么它在物理学和天文学上如此重要?
A: 今天,我们正在寻找量子材料作为自旋电子学领域的潜在未来. 我的工作主要涉及了解锰的生长、表面和界面动力学3Sn [Kagome-structured manganese-tin alloy] on the chosen substrate. My study aimed to learn how to grow this material effectively, as well as understand the science behind the grown film. 例如, “这种材料的特定取向在这种基底上生长的原因是什么??” or “Why is there a strain in this material?” I think understanding of these intricate details is important to the field. 

Q: Only eight students nationwide receive this award each year. What does winning this award mean to you personally and professionally?
A: Firstly, it feels great and slightly overwhelming and I have extreme gratitude. 在攻读博士学位期间,我获得了许多奖项.D journey but this was special for multiple reasons. 我参加过两次会议,我知道舞台更大,而且我读过或听说过的研究团体也更大. So when I got to know that I was one of the top eight, 那消息使我大吃一惊, 但后来我明白了. I remember the day I received the award and met fellow awardees, I felt so appreciated not just for the work but also as a fellow researcher.

Q: What should people outside of the field of physics know about your research?
A: 今天,每个人都使用数据存储设备, 研究领域也在不断寻找新材料来制造这些设备。. 因此,我们在俄亥俄的史密斯教授实验室所做的工作是努力研究材料的磁性和表面特性,以找出它们是否可以成为未来技术的良好候选. Technology develops because of continuous R&这是一个漫长的过程,但对这个领域的每一点贡献都有帮助. 

Q: You've been working in your lab since 2017. What inspired you to pursue this specific area of study in physics and astronomy?
A: 我在印度读硕士期间, I was introduced to the experimental part of physics, 我很喜欢. So I gained different experiences and then I came to newbb电子平台, where I decided to join Professor 史密斯’s lab. I remember the first day I came to visit the lab, 我无言以对, as never before I worked on such a complicated machine, but that did not scare me—it actually felt like a challenge to myself. 另外, 研究可以用于技术目的的不同磁性材料的想法吸引了我. I have always been a person who wants to give back to the community, 即使是最微不足道的. 在加入实验室之前, 我在这方面没有经验, which provided me a chance to learn something new and improve myself. 今天 when people tell me that I am good at something in the lab, it is due to the experience I got at Professor 史密斯’s lab.

Q: 你能分享一下你实验室中一个特别具有挑战性的时刻吗?它是如何塑造你的, 不仅作为一个科学家,而且作为一个人?
A: The lab [at OHIO] always presented new challenges every day. 在实验室里,有很多时刻考验着我的耐心和反应速度. 我想不出任何一个特定的时刻,因为有很多,选择一个是困难的. But all the challenges I faced in the lab shaped me as a person and as scientist. 这些挑战教会了我,如果我面临一种情况,我应该先退后一步,在我跳入其中之前评估一下情况, 这一点非常重要, for especially people like me who work with machines. My progress in lab is due to the constant support of my lab mates 泰勒·埃里克森, Ashok Shrestha, 阿里阿巴斯, 汉娜大厅, 还有切丽·德梅洛. 另外, I became a more aware, patient, and confident person. I learned how to make decisions on the go and trust my decisions. Now when I leave OHIO for a postdoc position, 我不会感到不知所措或害怕,因为我认为我个人和职业都准备好改变了.

Q: What advice would you give to early students, 尤其是女性, who are interested in pursuing a career in physics and astronomy?
A: 首先,无论性别如何,任何人都可以从事物理学和天文学的职业. 物理学和天文学有不同的子领域,人们可以选择自己喜欢和享受的. If you’re an early career student and decide to do physics, 我建议你尝试一下不同领域的实习,看看你最喜欢的是什么.  另外, don’t be afraid of challenges! These challenges might look like a mountain initially, but with experience those same challenges would look very easy. 尤其是对女性来说,不要通过观察一个群体的表现来判断它. I always believe and want other women to know, 如果你是好的,有知识, speak up the loudest and people will hear you. 女性也可以加入Women in Physics小组,与其他女性建立一个安全的社区. Especially for students who plan to do Ph.D, remember it’s a long road and trust in yourself and the process, there are going to be so many ups and downs, but you have to keep your head strong and sail.

Q: 你在你的领域中遇到过什么流行的科学神话或误解吗? 你能帮我们揭穿一个吗?
A: 我不确定这是不是一个神话,但我总是被告知,女人有一定的局限性——比如 它们不可能是物理. 当我进入物理领域的时候, 我意识到那里的女性并不多, but the women that were there are strong and knowledgeable and at good positions. 当我意识到这与性别无关时,这与你的个性和知识有关.

Q: 你认为你在量子材料方面的工作将如何改变或改善我们未来的日常生活?
A: 我把量子材料看作一个巨大的海洋, and my work is a drop in it as it's an effort that needs to be made. 我不知道未来会怎样, 但是在现场, 人们相信Kagome材料是下一个可能成为存储设备的潜在候选材料. 我愿意相信,这个领域的每个人都在努力在自己的潜力范围内为这个海洋贡献一滴水.

Q: 你的榜样是谁?他们在哪些方面影响了你的生活和工作方式?
A: 我从来没有这样的榜样, but when I did find certain aspects of someone’s life interesting, 我想吸收它. I know it sounds weird, but when I meet people I always learn something new. 我遇到了来自各行各业的人,他们教给我的东西改变了我对生活和工作的态度. 今天, the things I have learned are part of my life and work: for example, the attitudes of giving back to the community, 活在当下. 我想我学到了一件重要的事情, 它极大地塑造了我, is not seeking validation from others too much, 我觉得这让我的生活更轻松了. I do like to be appreciated sometimes—but not every time. 我工作不是为了得到认可, 我工作是因为我喜欢它,我在学习的同时也在为合作的努力增加价值, 哪个对我更重要. This means that is am not only defined by my work, but other things in life are where I can derive my happiness too. 

Q: 当你离开实验和数据时,你最喜欢的放松和充电方式是什么?
A: 在我读博士期间.D. 在公开大学, 我总是给自己留点时间,因为我相信如果我不开心,我的工作就会受到影响. So my favorite way of unwinding is taking a nice shower, making some coffee and reading a murder mystery book in my cozy apartment. 我也喜欢刺绣,看电视,我也喜欢和朋友们聊天. I also make sure to recharge myself everyday by working out, 出去散步, 听播客, 和冥想.