News and Announcements

OHIO Board of Trustees approve Housing Master Plan Phase II construction; hear revitalized mission and vision statement

在周四的会议上,newbb电子平台董事会批准了俄亥俄州住房总体规划二期的新建筑,并了解了学生太空飞行实验项目为俄亥俄学生提供的体验式学习机会, April 4, and Friday, April 5, on the Athens Campus.
The Board also received an update from President Lori Stewart Gonzalez regarding the progress of the Dynamic Strategy process after committee leaders presented their ideas and findings to the community in February. The final draft of the Dynamic Strategy goals and strategies will be presented for the Board’s approval during their June meeting. She also highlighted the success of the President’s Opportunity Promise so far, noting that, to date, applications are up 21 percent in the counties impacted by this program.
Gonzalez校长邀请了负责大学传播和市场营销的副校长兼使命和愿景更新委员会的联合主席Robin Oliver来分享该委员会重新焕发活力的使命和愿景的草案.
Last fall, President Gonzalez charged a small group of University leaders and experts with the task of reviewing and refreshing the University Mission and Vision, which was last fully updated in 2007. Since then, the committee has engaged with numerous University stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and alumni, in a variety of ways. Such broad feedback uncovered several common themes, including a desire to focus on student success, value and experiential learning.
In addition, Vice President for Human Resources Mary Elizabeth Miles presented to the Board priorities within the department which include evaluating employee benefits, policies and programs; increasing professional development opportunities and leadership development programs; developing OHIO onboarding processes; and formalizing and increasing employee recognition. 她还分享了她的团队如何努力简化人力资源流程,并成为所有俄亥俄员工的战略合作伙伴.
Additional highlights from the Board of Trustees’ April 4-5 meetings included:
Student Experiential Learning
Professor Sarah Wyatt and OHIO students from the winning team whose experiments were selected for Mission 19 to the International Space Station (ISS) presented to the Board on the experiential learning opportunities students have received through the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP).
The students from this winning team, Victoria Swiler, Nathan Smith, and Michael Lane, presented to the Board how their experiment studies plant micro interactions in space, explaining how space is not very hospitable for plants and their goal to find a way to increase plant growth in space. They described how previously bacteria was discovered on the ISS with the potential to improve plant growth and through their project, they are aiming to grow plants with bacterium in space to see if this increases plant growth.
In addition, 学生们解释说,通过这个项目,他们甚至在本科毕业之前就掌握了研究的各个方面. They created the proposal, run the experiment in which they will talk with astronauts on the progress of the experiment, analyze the plants and will report out their findings.
Enrollment update
委员会听取了俄亥俄州2024年春季初步人口普查入学率和秋季至春季回报率的简要更新,来自招生管理副总裁Candace J. Boeninger, who noted that spring enrollment is up 4.3 percent from last year and OHIO’s fall-to-spring return rate was 94.2 percent –up 1.4 percent compared to this time last year.
Boeninger还向董事会提供了关于教育部正在进行的FAFSA变更以及2024-25年FAFSA推出的困难的最新情况. Although the Department is currently working to remediate technical and data issues, which have delayed the ability of colleges and universities across the country to produce financial aid offers, Boeninger分享说,俄亥俄州目前打算在月底之前向新家庭发放经济援助计划,并将在不久后立即向返校学生发放援助计划.
Housing Master Plan Phase II – New Construction
The Board approved an increase in the overall budget of the Housing Master Plan Phase II, extending funds into the construction and authorizing approval to begin construction in the next month.
南绿地上新建的591个床位的宿舍楼将满足当今学生及其家庭不断变化的需求和期望,作为该项目的一部分 Housing Master Plan Phase II. The goal of the plan is to further enhance OHIO students’ overall residential experience for many years to come.
The new residence hall, which will be the largest on campus, will feature pod-style residential communities with emphasis on community and common space, a blend of single and double rooms to meet the requests of student residents, the inclusion of huddle rooms for private conversations and quiet study, kitchen and lounge space to foster community, single-user restrooms and a multipurpose space on the ground floor open to support campus programs.
Approved by the Board in 2022, 住房总体规划的创建是为了帮助塑造和指导大学通过新建筑和大型和小型翻新项目的结合,对整个雅典校园的住宅基础设施进行持续改进和投资. This $110.5 million project is anticipated to be funded by Housing departmental reserves and external financing. 
Heritage Translational Research Center
The Board approved to increase the budget of the Heritage Translational Research Center 800万美元用于帮助促进和提供一个功能和灵活的转化研究环境,以提升俄亥俄州的研究形象,并与传统骨科医学学院2030年的战略重点保持一致.
该设施的目标是通过将志同道合的研究团队聚集在一个空间来促进团队科学,同时提高newbb电子平台研究工作对学生的可见性, throughout the University, and to the community and region.
The center will serve multiple colleges and institutes throughout the entire University including the Ohio Musculoskeletal and Neurological Institute (OMNI), the Diabetes Institute, and the Infectious and Tropical Disease Institute (ITDI), all within the Heritage College, as well as the Appalachian Institute to Advance Health Equity Science (ADVANCE) in the College of Health Sciences and Professions (CHSP).
遗产转化研究设施预计将为人类主题研究和基础科学研究提供空间,并包括咨询室和检查室以及湿实验室和动物护理设施. It will also house OHIO’s Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU), 几个研究所的行政办公室和遗产学院的研究和拨款办公室,以及包括药房在内的社区卫生空间.
 This $74.9 million total project is anticipated to be funded by internal bank financing, grants, departmental reserves and central University funding.
Capital Projects
In addition to the Housing Master Plan Phase II and Heritage Translational Center, the Board also approved several new capital projects, including:
  • Russ Research Opportunity Center Room 180 Fit Out -董事会核准在新建成的Russ研究中心为若干正在进行和待资助的研究项目建立有效和高效率的研究环境. This $1.5 million project is anticipated to be funded by the Russ College of Engineering and Technology departmental funding.
  • Athena Cinema Structural Stabilization – The Board approved to stabilize a structural issue discovered during routine maintenance. This project is a continuation of the repairs that began in May of 2023. Currently, the second floor and lobby of the theater is open for patrons, with the rest of the theater anticipated to open mid to late summer. The $850,000 project is anticipated to be funded by century bond emergency project funding and central University funding.
  • West Green Gulch Bridges Repair and Repaint – 董事会批准修复西格林的一座年久失修的人行天桥,并将拆除第二座不再需要的人行天桥. This $558,000 project is anticipated to be funded by century bond.
  • Lin Hall Third Floor Renovation 董事会批准为学生和校友提供画廊和学习实验室,以突出俄亥俄州的研究和创造性活动. Renovation of the OHIO Museum Complex space on the third floor of Lin Hall will include refinishing the floors, walls and ceilings in rooms 310 and 311, the third-floor corridor and the stairs to the third and fourth floors. This $500,000 project is anticipated to be funded by external grant funding.
University Advancement Fundraising and Engagement Report
负责大学发展的临时副校长、newbb电子平台基金会主席兼首席执行官、负责学生事务的副校长Lyn Redington向董事会提供了有关筹款和参与的最新情况, highlighting Advancement’s strategic priorities, as well as key fundraising and engagement activity in support of Ohio University.
The Board learned about how Advancement is measuring engagement through looking at CASE metrics, which is a global, industry-wide framework for collecting alumni engagement data. The metrics look at alumni who engaged with their alma mater across four modes of engagement: volunteer, experiential, communication and philanthropic.
她还强调了校友与俄亥俄联系的方式,以及该机构打算如何在大学期待其年度会议之际进一步促进参与 OHIO Giving Day on April 9.
In other business, the Board also approved:
  • 关于将文理学院经典与宗教研究系的世界宗教项目更名为宗教研究的决议.
  • A resolution to change the name of the Sport and Lifestyle Studies program in the Department of Recreation, Sport Pedagogy and Consumer Sciences in the Patton College of Education to Recreation and Sport Services.
  • A resolution to establish a Bachelor of Science degree in Cybersecurity Operations in the J. Warren McClure School of Engineering Communication Technologies in the Scripps College of Communication.
  • A resolution to approve land exchange of approximately 0.23-acres on Moore Avenue in Athens with the Ohio University Credit Union (OUCU).
  • A resolution to approve to issue up to $75 million of new debt in support of Housing Phase II new construction.
  • A resolution to elect Steve Casciani Chair of the Board of Trustees for the year beginning May 14, 2024, and ending May 13, 2025.
  • 一项选举受托人Scott Borgemenke为受托人理事会第一副主席和受托人Matt Evans为从5月14日开始的年度理事会第二副主席的决议, 2024, and ending May 13, 2025.
  • 决议将言语语言病理学硕士和临床听力学博士的课程费用从每学分63美元提高到每学分75美元.
  • 决定为BA1000:商学院导论课程设立新的退出课程费用,以支付DiSC评估的费用.
  • A resolution to increase nursing courses to cover inflation for passthrough certification.
  • A resolution to increase the course fees for flight courses in Aviation by 10 percent to cover inflation.
  • A resolution to change the current reduced OHIO Online instructional fee from $304 to $316 per credit hour.
The complete Board of Trustees agenda from the April 4-5 meetings is available online at
April 5, 2024
Staff reports