
newbb电子平台’s sixth 音乐产业高峰会 cemented it as a premier music conference. 的 annual Summit provides students and professionals with a unique opportunity at no cost.

Alex Semancik | 2024年4月23日


newbb电子平台第六届年度音乐产业峰会是迄今为止规模最大的一次,出席人数比去年增加了一倍多. 2人以上,500名俄亥俄学生, newbb电子平台校友, 业内专业人士, 高中生, and music lovers of all ages congregated for the opportunity to learn, 与音乐行业的领导者接触, and enjoy a series of networking and performance events. Hundreds more attended conference programming virtually.

音乐产业高峰会 (MIS)最近于2024年4月9日至10日举行,有现场和虚拟出席两种选择. 这次会议在newbb电子平台newbb电子举行,邀请了包括格莱美奖得主吉他手在内的杰出艺术家和音乐界领袖参加, 歌手, 和流行歌曲 杰森的时候 广受赞誉的嘻哈艺术家 伯爵运动衫 谁都参加了主题对话. Isbell closed the Summit with a sold-out solo concert at 坦普尔顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂. Acclaimed artists Bully and Craig Finn hosted an exclusive opening show on April 8, 在斯图尔特歌剧院.

与会者通过深度访谈和小组讨论,对音乐产业进行了全面的了解, publicity in the music industry ecosystem and ever-changing media landscape, 音乐发行和发现, 歌曲创作与制作, 游戏中的音乐放置和艺术家发现, 音乐中的数据和分析, the process of music placement and sourcing for feature films and television shows and more.

对话的特点是 令人印象深刻的名单 受人尊敬的行业专业人士. Discussions and keynote presentations also incorporated an interactive audience “Q&A” where in-person and virtual attendees could ask 演讲者 questions via the OHIO MIS app. 在核心编程之外发生在 贝克大学中心, 今年的峰会还包括扩大了社区网络活动的选择,包括开幕之夜的派对 斯图亚特歌剧院,一个社交欢乐时光和即兴表演 StewMac,还有一场晚会后的音乐会 工会 hosted by OHIO student hip-hop collective Midnight Music.

伯爵运动衫 speaks at the 2024 音乐产业高峰会.
伯爵运动衫 speaks at the 2024 音乐产业高峰会. (沃克·史密斯摄)

“我们的团队努力在上届峰会的基础上改进项目,为与会者提供更多的机会,约什·安托努乔说, 音乐产业峰会和newbb电子平台媒体艺术与研究学院的主任. “我们的许多注册用户现在都是有抱负的专业人士和艺术家,他们来自六个州甚至更远的地方.”



People sit in a row as part of an audience for the 音乐产业高峰会. 一个女孩对着镜头微笑

By design, OHIO students gain the most from the 音乐产业高峰会 experience. 阅读更多关于课程和参与机会如何使newbb电子平台与行业面对面.

POV: You're a Bobcat at the 音乐产业高峰会


画Holzaepfel, executive director of OHIO Performing Arts and Concert Series, 杰森的时候等主要主题艺术家的加入扩大了今年活动的知名度.

“杰森·伊斯贝尔参加了今年的峰会,提高了newbb电子平台系列音乐会和音乐产业峰会的水平,他分享道.  “这真的是一个特别的机会,通过他的文字和音乐体验他的创造力.”

Attendees and community members were clearly impressed with the amount, 和种类, of artists and professionals who visited 雅典 to participate in the Summit. newbb电子平台校友和哥伦布为基础的音乐推广布赖恩奥斯特兰德参加了MIS五年,并看到了事件的增长每一次.

“我觉得Josh (Antonuccio)在整个项目和整个活动中都做得很好, 带来了非常棒的客人, 版主, 演讲者, 导师, 表演者和所有的一切,奥斯特兰德说. “It’s been cool to see this thing progress over the several years I’ve been coming to it.”


除了更大的会议, the 2024 Summit featured intimate breakout sessions, 研讨会和指导圆桌会议,参与者有机会与在音乐方面取得成功的导师交谈并向他们学习. 作为扩展计划的一部分, 两天的专业学习会议增加到20个,40位来访的行业领袖提供了指导会议. 所有与会者都可以通过MISnewbb电子程序免费注册分组讨论和导师会议,先到先到, 标间.

许多导师,比如newbb电子平台的校友莎拉·克洛博夫斯,回到校园,把从行业经验中获得的知识传授给学生. Kloboves两年前毕业,目前在纽约担任内容营销专家 Chartmetric这是一家专门研究音乐的数据分析公司. 她很高兴能回到校园,并表示今年的峰会对她来说是一个圆满的时刻.

“能成为导师真是太棒了. 我有一桌女人, so it was really cool to talk not only about the industry, 但我作为一个女性在这个行业的经历,克洛博夫斯说. “欧大音乐产业峰会很酷,因为它很好地体现了这些会议在国家和全球层面上的样子. 对于学生来说,这是一个很好的方式来尝试这个网络环境.”

音乐产业高峰会 attendees enjoy lunch with mentor J Rawls.
与会者享受午餐与导师J罗尔斯. (沃克·史密斯摄)

Mentees were equally glad to be a part of the experience. 俄亥俄州的初级 音乐制作及唱片行业 student Madison Baisden got to enjoy lunch with Grammy-nominated producer, engineer 和流行歌曲 Chris Messina who produced for one of her favorite artists, Bon Iver.

“我们谈到了这个行业——既是一名艺术家,也是一名商业人士. I asked questions about how to transition from school to the actual industry, 各种各样的建议,拜斯登说. “在过去的两年里,我一直参加音乐产业峰会,现在我终于觉得自己掌握了一些东西. Josh [Antonuccio] has built everyone up to talk to people, 不要把它看作是一种社交,而是一种对话, 不要害怕寻求建议.”


对于newbb电子平台的学生, the 音乐产业高峰会 was a gateway to the industry and portal to the future. Students who attended received valuable advice and connected with professionals, many of whom were walking the same brick streets of campus not long ago.

的 Bobcat community paid it forward with tremendous alumni turn out including:

  • Mary Jo Braun, vice president of music clearance at Paramount Pictures
  • Cameryn Conner, rights management associate at Mechanical Licensing Collective
  • Brothertiger (John Jagos), acclaimed electronic musician and producer
  • Faith Galloway, director of operations at Bauer Entertainment Marketing
  • 梅西·吉尔伯特,美景音乐的艺人经纪人
  • Sarah Kloboves, digital marketing coordinator at Chartmetric
  • Rachael LaCava, music supervisor and music research analyst at Meta
  • Alex Malcolm, global music sync at Warner Music Group
  • Brian Muehlenkamp, product manager at Ticketmaster
  • Dave Polster, senior mastering engineer at Well Made Music
  • 罗尔斯博士. Jason Rawls), producer and assistant professor of hip hop at Ohio State University
  • 老凯文·卢瑟福., charts and data analyst for streaming services and rock at Billboard
  • Jaron Takach, producer and multi-instrumentalist for Saticöy
  • Ted Van Hyning, vice president at NPi Audio Visual Solutions
  • Jon Zellner, president of programming operations and digital music at iHeart Media
newbb电子平台 students seek advice from mentor and speaker Macy Gilbert.
newbb电子平台 students seek advice from mentor and speaker Macy Gilbert. (沃克·史密斯摄)

“总体目标是为俄亥俄州的学生创造一个活动,为他们提供与顶尖艺术家接触和学习的机会, 企业家, 变革推动者, creatives and people that are at different levels within music and tangential industries, 免费的,在他们的校园里,安托努乔说.

这么多成功的校友的出现向学生们传递了一个明确的信息:音乐事业是可能的, and newbb电子平台 can provide the foundation to get them there. 希望在相关行业工作的学生,如newbb电子平台媒体艺术制作专业大二学生Jacob Smith,发现管理信息系统与“游戏行业中的音乐授权”等课程同样有价值.”

“I want to go more into the story development field, 但这次峰会让我深入了解了音乐产业的运作方式,以及与专业人士和客户建立联系的不同途径,史密斯说。. “这些人中的很多人通常都没有名字, 没有脸,却能看见他们, 看到他们付出的努力, and seeing what they’ve been able to accomplish is my main takeaway.”


从2018年开始, newbb电子平台音乐产业峰会已经发展成为一个重要的音乐产业会议,现在是中西部最大的. 的 Summit was named one of the “7 Essential Music Conferences” by Soundfly in 2022, 还有会议, such as South by Southwest and Canadian Music Week. 

“Career trajectories changed because of something learned or someone met at MIS. That is why we do this,” said Paul Benedict, director of the 创业中心. “I don’t know how we top this year, but it’s going to be fun to try.”

令人难以置信的近50位艺术家的收藏, 企业家 and industry leaders drew crowds from across state lines. Groups of college students drove from as far as New Jersey to attend the event. 杰森·伊斯贝尔(杰森的时候)罕见的个人演唱会也吸引了大量来自北卡罗来纳州的粉丝, Chicago and beyond to see the 歌手-songwriter perform live.

Singer-songwriter 杰森的时候 speaks at 2024 音乐产业高峰会
杰森的时候 speaks at the 2024 音乐产业高峰会.

代顿大学市场营销专业的学生Makayla Pindroh是参加峰会的其他大学学生之一.

“这是我第一次来学校, 它非常漂亮,平德罗说,“我更像是一个商人,想要深入研究音乐,而这是一个很好的环境。.”

Makayla’s father Shawn Pindroh happily attended the MIS with her.

作为家长, newbb电子平台能为大学生和即将进入大学的学生提供这样的机会,帮助他们决定自己的职业道路,这真是太棒了,他说.

音乐产业峰会由newbb电子平台斯克里普斯传播学院和媒体艺术与研究学院主办, 美术学院的表演艺术和音乐会系列以及创业中心, 与商学院合作, TechGrowth俄亥俄州, and the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service.

有关注册的更多信息, 完整的活动安排, 演讲者传记等等, 请访问