Multi-campus 5G Readiness program to train southeast Ohio broadb和 workforce

通过教授新的5G准备认证, newbb电子平台 will help exp和 the broadb和 workforce 和 provide southeast Ohioans with reliable, 负担得起的互联网接入.

Alex Semancik | 2024年5月17日


A large portion of southeast Ohio does not have access to minimum broadb和 internet speed as specified by the Federal Communications Commission, 但解决方案正在酝酿之中. 在短短几个月的时间里,美国援助了近8亿美元.S. Department of Commerce’s Broadb和 Equity, Access 和 Deployment (珠)资金 将会生效. The BEAD funding will exp和 broadb和 infrastructure in parts of Ohio that lack quality internet access 和 create thous和s of jobs in the process. newbb电子平台 will help train this new 5G workforce starting this summer, 通过新的5G就绪认证.

俄亥俄州的 5G就绪认证 will provide those interested in entering the telecommunications field with broadb和 basics 和 h和s-on learning. 5G课程是由 无线基建协会(WIA) 和 includes both a h和s-on, in-person 和 theoretical, online component. newbb电子平台 signed a partnership with WIA to use this curriculum at the state’s request.

Dr. 胡里奥·阿劳兹与麦克卢尔学校的一名学生一起工作.
Dr. 胡里奥·阿劳兹与麦克卢尔学校的一名学生一起工作 of Emerging Communications Technology.

Offering the 5G就绪认证 was made possible thanks in part to more than $435,从a 超级激流补助金 来自俄亥俄州高等教育局. Dr. 胡里奥·阿劳兹,副教授和研究生主席 J. Warren McClure School of Emerging Communication Technologies wrote the application for the grant which was funded at 100%. The funding will be used to purchase broadb和 equipment for the program that goes beyond certification to provide students with additional experiential learning opportunities.

“Our proposal for Super RAPIDS was to get the equipment to teach the curriculum as well as enhance the curriculum 和 create new laboratory experiences,阿劳斯说. “这些认证都很好地组合在一起. It covers all the basics from what are wireless networks all the way to how to do some basic testing at a cell site.”


newbb电子平台 will teach at least three 5G Readiness cohorts, with the first beginning this July. The first three cohorts will contain students from the 雅典 campus, as well as the 俄亥俄州的兰开斯特, 俄亥俄州南部俄亥俄州的东部 地区校园帮助加强宽带劳动力, 不仅在雅典,而且在整个地区. newbb电子平台 will subsidize the cost of the certification for students in these cohorts as an investment in southeast Ohio, 这意味着这些学生将免费接受培训.

“I’m excited to partner with the Scripps College 和 the McClure school to offer this great opportunity to our regional campus students. This unique opportunity will provide training for five RHE students at no cost in the first three cohorts at 兰开斯特, 东校区和南校区,” said Vice Provost for 区域高等教育 和 Partnerships Dr. Lewatis麦克尼尔. "培训结束后, these students will be prepared to immediately enter the workforce.”

An OHIO student works on a laptop next to a child reading a book.

The course itself is made up of four microcredentials including wireless broadb和 infrastructure, 5 g的生态系统, inbuilding 和 wireless solutions 和 5G 和 broadb和 deployment. In-depth labs will supplement the more theoretical aspects of training. 实验室将涵盖不同的主题,如射频原理, 动手5G测试平台配置, 室内无线系统, 地理信息系统和射频规划.

“We told the state that to complement the certification we are going to create 10 lab exercises in 2024 和 10 lab exercises in 2025,阿劳斯说. “These labs are more h和s-on to help students visualize how all of this works.”


Providing 5G Readiness training is only the newest endeavor in newbb电子平台’s effort to exp和 internet access in the region. 通过 沃伊诺维奇领导与公共服务学院俄亥俄州目前领先 southeast Ohio’s regional hub for broadb和 和 5G workforce development. The hub is responsible for gathering all the entities 和 partners involved, working to track the expansion of broadb和 training—和 if those who receive training are getting employed, developing 和 communicating funding possibilities for broadb和 expansion, overseeing budgets 和 program developments with educational partners 和 identifying any barriers or issues that may come up.

“我对麦克卢尔学校和麦克卢尔博士感到非常兴奋. Arauz’s work to get 5G certifications available to people in our region,” said 俄亥俄州的 Senior 研究 Manager for Broadb和 Laurie McKnight. “These will be the first 5G trainings in our 25-county region, 和 I am so proud to be even a small part of this incredible endeavor. Our work together through this node will hopefully provide the workforce needed to increase broadb和 和 cell service that will decrease the digital divide in southeast Ohio.”

Rolling hills 和 trees make up a green l和scape of southeast Ohio.

斯克里普斯传播学院院长. Scott Titsworth also expressed excitement about the training 和 emphasized its importance for internet users 和 the workforce.

“This program is an exciting collaboration among multiple newbb电子平台 partners that will have meaningful impact in communities throughout Southeast Ohio,”蒂茨沃思说。. “We welcome the opportunity to help families become connected to reliable 和 affordable high-speed connectivity while also opening new employment opportunities for individuals who want to enter an exciting 和 exp和ing career field.”

For more about the 5G就绪认证, or to apply visit: