01.042: Use of Indoor Spaces






Elizabeth Sayrs | Interim Executive Vice President 和 Provost


M. 杜安·内利斯|总裁

Signatures 和 dates on archival copy
  1. 范围和概述

    This policy establishes rules for the use of indoor spaces on the university’s campuses, including the 雅典 campus, 地区校园, 中心, 扩展校园.

    大学的室内空间主要供大学社区使用,目的与学校的使命和相关教学相一致, 学习, 研究, 研究, 学术, extracurricular 和 student life, 行政, 和 other supporting activities. These are spaces where our community primarily learns, 教, 作品, 和生活, 和 this policy is meant to ensure that those core activities can take place productively 和 safely.

    根据这一政策,大学社区和公众可以使用大学的室内空间, including for free expression as described below.

    Uses may be subject to additional rules for particular locations 和/or during certain times, which are too numerous to cross-reference in this policy. 例如, 这些规定可能包括控制奥尔登图书馆和其他学习场所的噪音水平,以及实验室和存放敏感设备的房间的安全相关使用限制.

  2. Management of indoor spaces

    University indoor spaces are managed by different units depending on the facility. Those responsible for management of a facility may coordinate room 和 space reservations, determine reservation fees 和 charges, 和 establish specific rules, such as building operating hours. 对于一个给定的设施, these responsibilities may be shared among the 学术 和 business units residing in the facility, the corresponding office of the 学术 dean or regional campus dean, 注册办公室, 设施管理, 餐饮服务, housing 和 residence life, 和 central administration.

    1. 相关的政策

      Several university policies address these responsibilities for certain facilities:

      1. 01.024 (Classroom 和 laboratory scheduling);

      2. 14.101 (Departmental libraries: guidelines 和 requirements);

      3. 19.057 (Animal facilities visitors);

      4. 24.003 (Baker center reservations);

      5. 24.012 (Use of athletics department-controlled facilities);

      6. 24.020 (Use of Templeton-Blackburn alumni memorial auditorium); 和

      7. 24.030 (Membership 和 use eligibility for campus recreation facilities).


  3. General rules of use of indoor spaces

    除了 to facility-specific rules, the following rules govern use of indoor spaces on university campuses:

    1. Priority of university-related uses

      大学的室内空间主要用于与学校使命和相关教学相关的目的, 学习, 研究, 研究, 学术, extracurricular 和 student life, 行政, 和 other supporting activities.

      Many indoor spaces are available for use by only appropriate university employees 和 students, 邀请客人, 和 others having business in those spaces 和 are not available for general community or public reservation. These include but are not limited to ordinary 办公套件 和 internal conference rooms, laboratories 和 related 研究 和 行政 space, medical office waiting rooms, 以及学生宿舍.

    2. 预订

      用户如欲预留使用室内空间,应与负责管理该设施的单位联系. 在作出有关保留的决定时,不得参考与该活动有关的表达内容.

      A user who has reserved an indoor space is entitled to exclusive use of that space during the reservation time. Unscheduled or conflicting uses of space during a reservation time may not be permitted, 和 individuals whose use conflicts with a scheduled use may be required to leave that area.

      Additional reservation-related requirements may apply, such as reservation fees.

    3. 放大声音

      放大声音 devices such as microphones, 演讲者, 扩音器只能在室内使用,但必须事先得到负责管理该设施的单位的许可.

    4. Distribution 和 posting of literature

      For rules regarding distribution 和 posting of literature, flyers 和 other written material within buildings, see the following policies:

      1. 23.050 (Posting of material for advertisement or notification);

      2. 24.002 (Baker university center advertising 和 announcements); 和

      3. 42.550 (招标).

    5. Demonstrations, 抗议活动, 和 similar assemblies

      1. 范围和定义


        There are many forms of public expression. This section addresses activities collectively referred to as “demonstrations.” For the purposes of this policy, “示威”是一种公共表达形式,被定义为一个或多个站着进行公共表达的人, 坐着, or otherwise occupying 和 remaining in a space.

        Demonstrations may include but are not limited to creative activity, 演讲, 当纠察队, 抗议活动, 集会, 和 similar assemblies in indoor spaces. 例如, 示威活动既包括大型集会,也包括较小的团体——甚至是一个人——发表演讲, 举着牌子, or otherwise engaging in public expression while occupying 和 remaining within an indoor space. Here, the act of occupying 和 remaining in a space is itself an expressive activity.

        Other acts of public expression are not considered demonstrations for purposes of this section. 例如, transient movement or pauses (including for private conversation), 或者在空间中穿着代表政治或意识形态观点的服装或符号,一般不属于本节所定义的示威. Such activities are permitted so long as they are not disruptive, as defined in item (C)(6) of this rule.

      2. Reserved 和 unreserved spaces

        1. 如本节所述,在不造成干扰(如(C)(6)项所定义)的情况下,允许在某些室内空间进行示威。.

        2. 在所有可预订的室内空间,用户可根据适用的建筑物或其他既定的预订程序提前预订.

        3. 与学校无关的个人或团体组织或赞助的示威活动只能在可预订的空间内进行,并且必须按照建筑预订流程提前预订,以便学校有合理的通知和时间来计划后勤和安全方面的考虑.

        4. 与现有保留不冲突或未被使用的演示只能在以下领域无保留地进行:

          1. Baker center: in the rectangular atrium spaces located on the south end of the third, 第四, 五楼, 和 in the lounge area overlooking the rotunda on the north end of the fifth floor.

          2. Baker center: in publicly reservable conference rooms 和 meeting rooms in Baker center.

          3. Classrooms that are otherwise empty

          4. 如上所述, 根据适用的建筑或其他既定的预订程序,这些空间中的许多空间也可以提前预订以进行演示.

        5. 室内的示威游行, whether in reserved or unreserved spaces, are permitted only when the participants are otherwise permitted to be present (e.g., during normal building operating hours), 和 must adhere to occupancy limits for the relevant space.

        6. 在上述指定的室内空间进行演示是允许的,因为这些空间的设计通常是安全的. Other types of spaces are not so designed or practical for such use, including individual offices, 办公套件, 游说团体, 和走廊, 和 demonstrations are not permitted in these spaces.

        7. Expression by audience members at public events, including dissenting expression, 是完全允许的, provided it does not prevent the event from continuing (e.g., holding signs or wearing shirts expressing an alternate view at a public lecture is permissible, but exercising a “heckler’s veto” is not).

    6. 中断

      正如政策所设想的那样 01.040, disruption is largely dependent on context. 许多因素可能会影响到破坏性的程度,包括但不限于空间的大小和配置, proximity to 学术 or 行政 functions, 和 number of participants. Mere inconvenience is not a basis to abridge free expression.

      有关干扰的决定必须在不参考与该活动相关的任何表达内容的情况下做出. 不允许在室内空间进行实质性破坏或干扰大学活动和运作的活动. Interference with 学术 instruction 和 研究 is viewed as particularly disruptive. 阻塞通路, 门, 服务柜台, 电梯, 自动扶梯, 门活化剂, 或以其他方式阻碍大学根据《newbb电子平台》(修订版)为残疾人提供无障碍服务的努力,是不允许的.

      例如, prohibited activities may include blocking 门 和走廊, sustained loud noise directly outside a classroom or office during business 和 class hours, 和 expression during a class that impedes course-related teaching, 学习, 和讨论. Users must always allow safe access through building 和 interior room, 门, 和 passageways within buildings.

      在一般情况下, disruption is defined as conduct that results in, 或者迫在眉睫的威胁, 以下几点:

      1. Substantial 和 material interference with the ability of students, 教师, 和 staff to engage in university activities 和 operations, 包括教学, 学习, 研究, 研究, 学术, extracurricular 和 student life, 行政, 和 other supporting activities;

      2. Substantial hindering or impeding of pedestrian traffic, including by blocking building 门, 走廊, 楼梯, 自动扶梯, 和游说集团.

      3. Substantial 和 material interference with a scheduled event or activity conducted in university spaces, including expressive activities permitted under this policy.

      一个活动是否具有上述定义的破坏性,将由负责该空间的学术或行政经理以及其他适当的大学官员根据所涉及的设施和情况做出决定, in consultation with the Ohio university police department (“OUPD”).

      除了, disruption includes behavior that is not protected speech, including actual or imminent threat of violence, physical harm to individuals, or violation of an occupancy limit, building code requirement, 或者其他法规, 监管, 条例, 或者法律要求, 和 damage to university or other personal property. OUPD is legally obligated to make the final determination in resolving issues of public safety.

    7. 交战议定书

      Engagement with students involved in free expression, 在适当的时候, reflects the university’s educational mission to foster an environment of open discourse, 辩论, 和学习. 例如, leaders 和 representatives of 学术 units, the division of student affairs, 多样性和包容性, 活动服务部门可以根据演示的设施和环境,与参与者进行建设性对话.


    8. 清理和损坏费

      使用室内空间的人必须注意不要损坏学校的财产或留下垃圾和其他物品. 如果发生这种情况, clean-up 和 damage fees 和 costs may be assessed on the responsible individuals 和 groups.

    9. 食物和酒精

      All food uses by university departments, 办公室和学生组织必须遵守相关的环境健康和安全办公室的规定和政策 47.010 和 47.015.

      Use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in university spaces, except in accordance with policy 24.001.

    10. 商业用途

      Any proposed commercial activity

      1. will be limited to Baker university center 和 be consistent with policy 24.002 和 24.003; or

      2. will follow the rules set forth in policy 42.550.

    11. 重大事件

      如果用户打算赞助newbb电子的活动,预计将吸引200人或更多的人,我们鼓励他们审查政策 01.030 和 to contact the university’s major events committee to facilitate the event. “Major Events” typically include concerts, charity races, 和 other produced events.

  4. 异常

    In extraordinary circumstances, appropriate university leadership, including administrators responsible for management of particular facilities, may grant exceptions to any provisions of this policy. Such exceptions must not be based on the expressive content, message or viewpoints of a proposed activity.

  5. University’s official use of spaces


  6. 执行

    Any person who violates this policy may be subject to an order to leave the property or area, institutional discipline (for employees 和 students), 和/or arrest 和 prosecution in circumstances when the violation constitutes a crime.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. 教师参议院

  2. 行政参议院

  3. 院长

  4. 主席及董事

  5. 研究生院

  6. 学生参议院

  7. 警务处处长

  8. Executive Director of Baker Center