40.051: Declaring an Emergency Closure, Early Release, or Delay


Approved for interim use in accordance with 政策 01.001




Mary Elizabeth Miles | Interim Vice President of Human 资源 


John Day | Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration 



  1. 概述

    This policy provides guidance for declaring an emergency university closing, 提前释放, or delay and establishes guidelines for the compensation of classified and administrative employees during an emergency. This includes administrative hourly, administrative salary, and classified bargaining unit employees. Bargaining unit employees covered under a collective bargaining agreement should refer to their current contract for specifics of participation. This policy does not apply to student employees of newbb电子平台.

    Only 总统 of Ohio university (or their designated representative) has the authority to declare an emergency, 关闭或延迟大学, 或者取消主校区的课程, 地区校园, 或newbb电子平台的区域教学点. 

    其他机构宣布的紧急关闭, 比如俄亥俄州的政府办公室, 当地的市县官员, 等.,不适用newbb电子平台的雇员. 然而, 总统, 或者他们指定的人, will close the university and cancel classes for a campus whenever the campus county sheriff's department declares a level III 那个县的紧急情况. 

    Communication of a declared emergency will be released through university communications and marketing. Closing and opening times for the impacted campus(es) will be announced through all media, 俄亥俄州主页, 俄亥俄州警报. 

    在宣布的紧急情况下, certain employees may be required to work to provide essential services for the impacted campus(es). These essential service employees will be designated and contacted by their department heads or supervisors and will be assigned to work schedules as required by the emergency situation. 

    Employees who have not been designated as essential service employees, 但都安排好了工作, will not be required to work during a declared emergency unless they are assigned and work a 100% remote appointment. 

    在宣布紧急情况期间, employees should not report to and be on campus unless they have been designated as essential service employees by their supervisors and asked to report to work. 

    当大学没有关闭的时候, 员工都要去上班, 或者打电话, 如果恶劣的天气阻碍了旅行. Employees will be expected to use personal leave or vacation time for those occasions when they must miss scheduled work. 

  2. 补偿 

    一旦宣布发生紧急情况, employees on-site who are not designated as essential service employees are sent home and will be paid at their regular rate from the time of the declared emergency until the end of their regularly-scheduled shift. 远程工作的员工, other than those assigned to a 100% remote appointment, who are not designated as essential service employees, will be paid at their regular rate from the time or the declared emergency until the end of their regularly scheduled-shift. 

    Essential service employees who are required to work during a declared emergency, 却无法报到上班, must notify their supervisor and may be paid at their regular rate for any hours they normally would have been scheduled to work. 

    Essential service employees paid on an hourly basis who are required to work during a declared emergency will be paid at their regular rate 此外, will be paid at their overtime rate for any hours actually worked (one-hour regular pay plus one hour of overtime pay at 1.5乘以常规速率等于2.在宣布的紧急情况下,5倍于正常费率). 

    受薪雇员, other than those assigned to 100% remote appointment, who are required to work during a declared emergency will receive their regular salary and will be granted the equivalent time off at a mutually agreeable time between the employee and their supervisor, 在财政年度结束前使用. 

    那些被分配到100%远程预约的人, 谁被安排工作, 会按正常的工资水平支付工资吗. 

    在宣布紧急情况期间, 员工可能需要加班, 一天中不同的时间在不同的日子, 等. 因此, the total rate of pay for an hourly employee will be used to determine all overtime pay (i.e., shift differential would not apply during an emergency if an employee does not normally receive it in their total rate but would receive it if it is a part of their total rate).

    The option of receiving overtime pay or compensatory time off at the time and one-half rate will apply, 符合部门政策. Only hours worked in excess of forty can be banked as compensatory time. Using the two pay codes below pays the premium for working during a declared emergency, but does not always result in actual overtime worked.

    小时工, any hours worked on-site during a declared emergency should be reported on the time sheets as "Emergency Worked (entered as time in and out) and “Emergency Closure” (entered as a total amount of time similar to paid time off (PTO)). Any hours scheduled but not worked during a declared emergency should be reported on the time sheets as "Emergency Closure". Employees who are on travel status during a declared emergency shall receive their normal rate of pay only. 经批准休假的员工, 季节性或无限期的裁员, or any other inactive pay status are not eligible for compensation during a declared emergency.



Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. 行政参议院
  2. 主管,税务及薪资