



  • 教师 submit written applications according to departmental guidelines.


  • 在设有评审委员会的部门工作, those bodies evaluate applications and forward them all, with their recommendations to the chair or director
  • 椅子 and directors review applications and forward all of them, along with their own recommendations (in letter form), 到相应的院长办公室
  • 在有审查委员会的大学里, those bodies evaluate applications and forward them all, 还有他们给院长的推荐信
  • In the case of applications from regional 校园 faculty, 主席还将与相关的校园院长沟通,以核实成本中立的细节和必要的课程设置/教学时间表修改,以包括在建议中.


  • The deans review applications and forward them, along with their own recommendations (in letter form), to the Office of the Vice  Provost for 教师 Development


  • 执行副校长和教务长向申请人发送批准/拒绝的书面通知(须在下次会议上由董事会确认).



  • newbb电子程序s occur no earlier than the seventh year, one year prior to the first year of eligibility (the eighth year).
  • Summer or other off terms count toward eligibility of faculty on nine-month contracts.
  • All academic service to newbb电子平台 counts toward eligibility regardless of the rank, 校园, 或者海外项目.
  • 获得奖学金休假的教师必须在newbb电子平台完成另外七年的教学,才有资格获得另一个奖学金休假.
  • 为了保持课程的完整性,批准的假期被推迟一年, eligibility starts after seven years of service from the date of the original approval.



Successful applications must include a well-considered plan, presented with a reasonable degree of specificity, 说明奖学金假期将如何有助于申请人的专业效率和大学的最佳利益, e.g. in teaching efficacy, research, and creativity.

newbb电子程序 Requirements for President's and Provost's Review

  • 教员奖学金休假申请表
    • Complete all fields above the administrative approval section.
    • Ensure the Leave 概述 is clearly written and concise. Be as specific as possible given the limited space. Use language easily understood by those outside the field. (教务长办公室可在提交给校董会的决议中使用简要说明.)
    • The applicant and all applicable persons must sign the form.
    • Forms without all applicable signatures are not accepted.
    • Download the 教员奖学金休假申请表 [Excel] 更新8 jan2024
  • 推荐信
    A letter from each signatory on the recommendation form must accompany the proposal. newbb电子程序s without letters from all approvers may not be accepted.
  • 保险计划
    系主任或类似职位必须包括一份涵盖教员教学负荷和其他职责的计划, 无需额外费用, 休假期间. 该计划将包括将定期教授哪些课程的大纲,并提供现有/预期教师如何覆盖这些课程的描述. 通用语句(例如.g., "courses will be covered by existing faculty") is too general and not acceptable.
  • 建议总结
    一个简短的文件,写得清楚,简洁,容易理解的领域以外的人. (No more than 300 words; 12-point font; 1.5 or double line spacing; 0.5-1.0”利润.)建议摘要应包括:
    • 专业发展-提供一个简短的说明,说明这个假期将如何有助于申请人的专业效率和部门或大学的最大利益.
    • Collaboration - if work with other researchers or scholars is planned, 列出他们的名字和职位
    • 地点-一般资料
    • Project description - a brief description outlining planned activities
    • Semesters requested - must match data on the request form
  • 详细的提案
    A more comprehensive description of the proposed work. 文字清晰,相当简洁,外行人也容易理解.  (750-1700 words; 12-point font; 1.5 or double line spacing; 0.5-1.0”利润.)详细建议书应包括:
    • Background Information - as appropriate to the proposed work Professional Development. 请说明所建议的活动与你个人的专业发展和改善部门的关系, 大学, 和newbb电子平台
    • Location(s) - where activities will take place - if travel is involved, 包括参观图书馆, 研究院, 等. Is is useful to have this outlined as clearly as possible
    • Objectives - what faculty member hopes to accomplish during the fellowship
    • 活动-为实现休假目标而计划的活动(详细描述),并为每个活动制定大致时间表. If several differing activities are planned, provide an estimate of how much time will be spent on each. If project involves completing a manuscript or other project, 简要说明目前完成了多少工作,还有多少工作有待完成


Per the newbb电子平台 Handbook and Ohio Revised Code 3345.28 faculty must submit a report on the completed University Fellowship leave in writing, through the same channels as the request for leave (department, 大学, 教务长办公室), within three months following their return to teaching duties at newbb电子平台.

The report can play a significant role in the granting of future fellowships.


执行副校长和教务长办公室以及校长办公室对报告的格式或长度没有具体要求. 对研究金假期的活动和成果进行简短的2-5页概述就足够了.

If the 大学, department, regional 校园, 等. has specific requirements for the report, faculty may submit those reports as written.

然而, 教员的姓名、学年和休假期限应注明在报告的第一页.

以电子方式向负责教师发展的副教务长Katie Hartman提交报告(hartmank@俄亥俄州.edu).

椅子 / 董事 newbb电子ing for Fellowship

Department chairs accrue time toward eligibility in the same way as other faculty.



当教师已经有资格获得的奖学金自愿或因拒绝休假而延迟时,他们不会开始为另一个奖学金积累时间, 除非系为了课程的完整性而将批准的休假延期一年.


院系有时会将批准的假期推迟一年,以保持课程的完整性. 在这些情况下, 从最初批准之日起满7年才有资格申请下一次休假.



  • 注:在这种特殊休假上花费的时间将不计入大学教师奖学金的应计期间.


Fellowships are for a maximum of two semesters.

  • 签订9个月合同的教师只能在合同规定的学期内休假. 这不包括夏季或其他假期.
  • 签订12个月合同的教师可以在12个月的合同期内随时休假. 整个夏季课程等于一个学期.


Leaves consists of either one semester at full pay or two semesters at two-thirds pay. The pay rate is what the faculty member would normally receive if not on leave.

Holding a Paid Position while on Fellowship Leave

在教职员工奖学金休假期间,教职员工不得担任带薪职位,除非明确该职位对他们的专业有帮助. When holding a paid position during a Fellowship leave, the sum of the Fellowship salary and additional funds in the form of grants, 津贴, 礼物, 或者,工资不得超过该教员当年未休假时的正常工资. (This excludes funds for the leave's special expenses including equipment, 书, 专业的旅游, 服务, 其他地方的生活成本更高, 等.)如果金额超过该金额, the University may reduce its contribution to the Fellowship salary accordingly.


福利仍然有效,newbb电子平台继续支付其部分养老金和保险. 在奖学金期间,由于教员工资减少而导致福利发生变化时, the faculty member has the option of increasing benefits to normal levels.


教师 requesting leaves should make every effort to ensure the leave application, 包括休假的学术条款, is accurate and can be fulfilled as written.

然而, given that unforeseen opportunities or difficulties can occur, 可以请求对叶子进行更改. 更改叶子的请求, 包括学术休假, 应通过与原休假请求相同的渠道以书面形式提交.

After approval by the chair/director and dean, 该请求被提交给负责教师发展的副教务长办公室,供教务长办公室审查. Upon review, the chair/director and dean will be notified of the decision. When there are changes to the length/academic terms of the leave, provost office staff will inform human resources and payroll.

请注意,在某些情况下, such as an increase in the length of the leave, 在教务长办公室批准变更之前,可能需要额外的信息.

Additional information regarding 教师 Fellowship Leaves may be found in the 教师手册.