

Before becoming dean of 大学学院 Dr. 大卫阮 served as associate professor of higher education and student affairs in newbb电子平台’s Department of Counseling and Higher Education, interim associate dean for research and graduate studies in the Patton College of Education, and the provost’s faculty fellow for student success.

Since joining newbb电子平台 in August 2016, Nguyen’s teaching and research interests have focused on access and equity issues in postsecondary education. 在俄亥俄州, he has produced more than 60 publications and presentations focused on how campus ecology contributes to student success.

Dr. 大卫阮持有B级.S. in Accounting and Marketing Management and an M.S. in Accounting, both from Syracuse University. 他还拥有硕士学位.S. in College Student Development and Counseling from Northeastern University and a Ph.D. 在高等,成人 & Lifelong Education from Michigan State University. 

最近的出版物 (underlined names represent current or former students):

阮,D.J. & 姚,C.W. (Eds.) (2022). A Handbook For Supporting Today's Graduate Students. 手写笔. 

阮,D.J. (2022). How Low-Income Students Thriving in Postsecondary Educational Environments. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. http://doi.org/10.1037/dhe0000360(opens in a new window)

Rehr T. I., & 阮,D. J. (2022). Approach/Avoidance Coping among Community College Students and Applications for Student Affairs Professionals. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 22(3), 237-251.  http://doi.org/10.1080/19496591.2021.1914641

阮,D.J.俄亥俄州科普兰市., & Renn K.A. (2022). LGBQ+ College Choice: Implications for College Transitions. 《newbb电子平台》杂志 & 学生转型,34(1),43-59.

Ardoin所说,年代. & 阮,D.J. (2022). Getting the first job out of graduate school: How faculty can use career theory and coaching to support students' job searches and life planning. 在问. 马丁(Ed.), Career Development and Job Satisfaction. 新星.

Trentacoste P.沃德先生.,同样,S.俄亥俄州科普兰市. & 阮,D.J. (2022). Financial lessons for student services.  New Directions for Student Services, 176, 57-69. http://doi.org/10.1002/ss.20406

科普兰,.林利,J.L., & 阮,D.J. (2022). 性恋教员. 在K. 斯特伦克 & S. 谢尔顿(Eds.), Encyclopedia of Queer Studies in Education. 布瑞尔.

关,M. P., & 阮,D. J. (2021). The opportunities and challenges for community college faculty teaching dual enrollment programs. New Directions for Community Colleges, 195, 119-128.   http://doi.org/10.1002/cc.20471

Konyar G., & 阮,D. J. (2021). Examining How Residential Curriculum Implementation Changes Professional Work for Student Affairs Professionals. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.   http://doi.org/10.1080/19496591.2021.1975546

阮,D.J. & 罗,a - k. (2021). Developing class-consciousness leadership education in graduate and professional schools. New Directions for Student Leadership, 169, 111-117. http://doi.org/10.1002/yd.20427

山,R.L.阮,D.J.C.A.谢伊,H.D.兰格,A.C., Renn K., & 伍德福德,M. (2021). How LGBTQ+ students thrive in college. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 58(3), 267-281.  http://doi.org/10.1080/19496591.2020.1738241

阮,D.J. & 赫伦,. (2021). Keeping up with the Joneses or feeling priced out?: The financial costs of belonging for low-income students.  Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 14(3), 429-440.  http://doi.org/10.1037/dhe0000191

米勒,R.,迪卡,S.阮,D.J.伍德福德,M.W., & Renn K.A. (2021). LGBTQ+ college students with disabilities: Demographic profile and perceptions of well-being. 同性恋青年学报,18(1),60-77.  http://doi.org/10.1080/19361653.2019.1706686

Rosati C. & 阮,D.J., (2021). Micro to Macro: Expanding First-Generation, Poor, and Working Class Student Support Through Training. 在G. 马丁 & S. Ardoin (Eds.), Social Class Supports: 项目 and Practices to Serve and Sustain Poor and Working-Class Students through Higher Education. 手写笔.

科恩,B.马修斯,K., & 阮,D.J. (2021). Making Academic Materials Available for Free or at Minimal Cost. 在G. 马丁 & S. Ardoin (Eds.), Social Class Supports: 项目 and Practices to Serve and Sustain Poor and Working-Class Students through Higher Education. 手写笔.

信号,年代.阮,D.J.艾米,M. & Jean-Perkins R. (2021). Supporting Poor and Working-Class Students’ Access to Professional Development During Doctoral 项目 in Education. 在G. 马丁 & S. Ardoin (Eds.), Social Class Supports: 项目 and Practices to Serve and Sustain Poor and Working-Class Students through Higher Education. 手写笔.

陈,M.Kwon, J.阮,D.J.桑德斯,K., Shah, N.史密斯,K. (2020). National trends in federal student loan borrowing by income group and first-generation status. AIR Professional File, Spring 2020 Volume, Article 148. http://doi.org/10.34315 / apf1482020 

阮,D.J.林利,J.L.伍德福德,M.W., & Renn K.A. (2020). Exploring LGBTQ+ students' awareness of housing and anti-discrimination policies across institutional type. Journal of College and University Student Housing, 46(3), 28-45. http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/acuho/journal_vol46no3/index.php # / p / 27

Ardoin所说,年代.克莱顿,A.马丁内斯,b. & 阮,D.J. (2020). Negotiating Space and Relationships as a First-Generation, Working Class College Student. 在J. 加维J. 哈里斯,维. 意味着,R. 佩雷斯, & C. 波特(Eds.), Case Studies for Student Development Theory: Advancing Social Justice & 高等教育共融. 劳特利奇.

洪水,.E. & 阮,D.J. (2020). 学术咨询案例研究. 在米. 便雅悯 & J. 杰瑟普-愤怒(编).)也许我应该这么做...Case Studies on Ethics for Student Affairs Professionals. 列克星敦的书.

病房里,米. & 阮,D.J. (2020). 焊接不是娘娘腔的事. 在米. 便雅悯 & J. Jessup-Anger (eds.)也许我应该这么做...Case Studies on Ethics for Student Affairs Professionals. 列克星敦的书.

雨果,L., & 阮,D.J. (2020). 捏造雇主关系数据. 在米. 便雅悯 & J. 杰瑟普-愤怒(编).)也许我应该这么做...Case Studies on Ethics for Student Affairs Professionals. 列克星敦的书.

病房里,米. & 阮,D.J. (2020). 有代价的成功. 在米. 便雅悯 & J. Jessup-Anger (eds.)也许我应该这么做...Case Studies on Ethics for Student Affairs Professionals. 列克星敦的书.

陈,M.Kwon, J.阮,D.J.桑德斯,K., Shah, N., & 史密斯,K. (2019). Indebted over time: Racial differences in student borrowing. Educational Researcher, 48(8), 558-563. http://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X19864969

Rosati C.阮,D.J.特罗耶,R.布雷克尔,J.,语法,Z., & Tran,问. (2019). Exploring the marginality and mattering experiences of student activists. College Student Affairs Journal, 37(2), 113-127. doi: 10.1353 / csj.2019.0009

阮,D.J.特罗耶,R.马修斯,K.,好,W.G.,语法,Z.赫伦,.塔克特,K. & 苔藓,米. (2019) Learning to become a scholar-practitioner through research experiences. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 56(4), 365-378. http://doi.org/10.1080/19496591.2019.1611591

Rosati C. 阮D.J., & 泰勒,R. (2019) X Marks the Spot: Engaging 校园地图s to 探索 Sense of Belonging Experiences of Student Activists. 在K. 斯特伦克 & L. 洛克(Eds.) Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education. 帕尔格雷夫麦克米伦. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05900-2_18

Larson J.B.阮,D.J.R . Opocyznski., & Vizvary G. (2019). Lessons learned while developing a professional development group for doctoral leader-learners. Journal of Leadership Studies, 13(2), 73-76. http://doi.org/10.1002 / jls.21644