
COVID-19-related professional sports cancellations cause tax revenue losses, according to a 研究


Potential cancellations of the NBA, MLB and NFL seasons in March due to COVID-19 could have caused the U.S. states a loss of nearly $307 million in jock tax collections, according to a new 研究 by newbb电子平台’s 沃伊诺维奇学校 of Leadership and Public Affairs.

Dr. 杰森·乔利, 沃伊诺维奇学校 of professor of rural economic development and director of the MPA program, 与 克拉拉骨, 沃伊诺维奇学校 economic development specialist; Doug Belleville, a recent 沃伊诺维奇学校 MPA graduate; and Richard Cebula, a professor at George Mason, on the research that was published in the journal Regional Studies, 区域科学.

研究, “COVID-19-related Jock Tax Revenue Losses in US States,” the authors provide a detailed analysis of the potential impact from lost jock tax collections at the state and nonfederal level.  Professional athletes pay 运动员的税收 according to the amount of time they contribute to income-related work in any state that administers an income tax.

“Even though the MLB ran a shortened season and the NFL continued with the games as normal albeit with delays, I believe the jock tax loss calculated for the NBA games is still rather accurate and relevant,乔利说.

While the NBA finished its season after a delay, the league played fewer games than in a typical year and not all teams were invited to join the 2020 NBA bubble in Florida. Professional athletes are exempt from the jock tax in states without state-level income taxes, 比如佛罗里达.

Jolley said the jock tax represents a small percentage of tax revenues for states, so its loss doesn’t usually have drastic effects. “然而, when jock tax loss is combined with cancellation or reduction in the number of sporting events and coupled with reduced employment and taxable wages in other industries, it may have a significant impact on the budgets of states – especially those with a higher reliance on income taxes,乔利说.

Dr. Jolley said the 研究 provides policymakers and tax scholars with an approximation of these tax collections for the jock tax on a state-by-state basis.

“Our calculations are still relatively accurate if there are future cancellations,乔利说. “当然, some players will change teams and salaries will fluctuate in future years, but this data will continue to highlight the importance of holding sports events.”