
Online Master of Public Administration 课程



在线公共管理硕士学位课程涵盖重点领域, including organizational leadership, 公共预算, 研究方法, 政策分析, 战略领导, 结果测量, 项目评估, 公私伙伴关系, human resource management and more. 

在这个节目中, 你要修六门核心课程, three concentration courses and three approved MPA elective courses. 从四个独特的专业中选择*,根据您的职业抱负定制您的教育. 完成这个程序, 你将通过精选的研究和专业论文把你的学习经历放在一起, and then present the portfolio to a faculty committee.

当你毕业时, you will emerge well-prepared to navigate the complexities of the public sector, nonprofit organizations or crisis situations.

*危机和应急管理集中将于2024年秋季提供, please contact an enrollment counselor to discuss your interest.


MPA 5140: Organizational Leadership (3 credits)


MPA 5860: Public Budgeting (3 credits)

本课程探讨健全的税收政策和围绕税收决策的政治原则. It also examines processes and techniques of governmental spending decisions. The practices and fundamental concepts of government accounting, 预算, financial management and public finance will also be introduced. Contemporary cases of budget decision-making processes at the national, state and local budget systems will be considered.

MPA 6010: Research Methods in Leadership and Public Affairs (3 credits)


MPA 6200: Foundations of Public Administration (3 credits)


MPA 6800: Strategic Leadership and Public Value (3 credits)

Seminar content varies; the underlying focus is on the creation of public value.

MPA 5590:衡量公共和非营利组织的成果(3学分)

侧重于在公共或非营利组织中开发和实施结果系统所需的技能. 将探讨确定监测服务交付和项目成果的信息需求的方法. Evaluation issues will be considered in the context of ethical standards, program effectiveness and efficiency.

Public Leadership and Management Courses

MPA 5120: Public Human Resource Management (3 credits)

Analysis of philosophy, problems and procedures of public personnel management. 招聘, training and promotion policies, position classification and employer/employee relations.

MPA 5830: Data Analytics for Public and Non-profit Managers (3 credits)

当今成功的公共和非营利管理者所需要的一套技能包括管理复杂数据系统的能力,以及利用这些数据为决策和战略发展提供信息的能力. 本课程将着重于公共和非营利性领域(如教育)的数据信息学的关键要素, 环境, 治理和保健.

MPA 5870 Financial Management in Government (3 credits)

The purpose of this course is to survey the principles, issues and skills of financial management in the public sector. 重点是在公共部门和非营利环境中的newbb电子. 本课程的目标是为学生提供对该主题的理论理解,并培养在该领域胜任工作所需的一些基本技能. 重点将是培养学生成为熟练的金融信息消费者,他们拥有分析金融信息的能力,并根据他们的分析做出合理的决策.

Nonprofit Leadership and Management Courses

MPA 5660:非营利组织管理的战略沟通和推广(3学分)

沟通计划是组织日常运作的重要组成部分. 另外, for public and nonprofit organizations in particular, 计划中的活动应以有助于筹集资金的方式支持总体传播目标, 创造改变, recruit talent and promote mission-related goals and objectives. 作为一个活生生的文件, it frames the way both internal and external audiences perceive the organization; and since many nonprofits have limited staff and financial resources available for communications activities, 更重要的是,这些资源应尽可能地进行战略性部署. 本课程概述了传播概念和媒体活动,以帮助学生制定战略传播计划,重点强调对组织使命的承诺, 建筑 trust among internal and external audiences, clarifying organizational priorities and generating public value.

MPA 5680: Nonprofit Financial Management and Resource Development (3 credits)

介绍美国的慈善和筹款传统. 检查实际, 道德, and legal issues involving fund development and the fundraising profession. 为学生提供newbb电子筹款技巧和实践的机会,以提高个人的财务承诺, 公司, 基金会, and government to "real-life" development projects.

MPA 5890: Non-profit Leadership and Governance (3 credits)

An introduction to the non-profit sector and its role in society, 经济, and the delivery of human services. 包括原则管理连接的概述,因为每个适用于非营利组织.

State and Local Government Management Courses

MPA 5870: Financial Management in Government (3 credits)

The purpose of this course is to survey the principles, issues and skills of financial management in the public sector. 重点是在公共部门和非营利环境中的newbb电子. 本课程的目标是为学生提供对该主题的理论理解,并培养在该领域胜任工作所需的一些基本技能. 重点将是培养学生成为熟练的金融信息消费者,他们拥有分析金融信息的能力,并根据他们的分析做出合理的决策.

MPA 5900: Special Topics: Civic Innovation and Citizen Engagement (3 credits)

本课程将着重于公民参与在州和地方政府层面的政策制定和实施中的作用. 学生将学习有效和创新的公民参与策略,超越公民参与的基本法律要求, 比如公开听证会. 通过案例研究, students will explore innovative practices that engage citizens, including historically marginalized groups, in public problem identification, problem-solving and program implementation.

MPA 5900:专题:国家和地方政府的公共部门创新(3学分)

本课程将提供对州和地方政府的结构和责任的理解, 包括市, 县、特区. 学生将更好地了解州和地方政府在公共安全等领域的政策和管理责任, 卫生和福利, education and economic development. 通过案例研究 of best practices, 学生将探索由州和地方政府利用创新的公共部门战略来完成各自的任务.

Crisis and Emergency Management Courses*

MPA 5900: Special Topics: Crisis Collaboration (3 credits)

作为newbb电子平台MPA危机与应急管理专业的三个组成部分之一, 本课程将为当前和未来的领导者提供建立企业的战略方法, 建筑, utilizing and revising collaboration strategies and skills before, 危机期间和危机之后. Trust is an outcome of effective collaboration. Because "going it alone" in a crisis is not a wise or likely effective option, 建立和维持合作的努力必须坚持不懈,本课程将帮助学生理解和建立有效的合作关系和努力.

MPA 5900: Special Topics: Crisis Leadership (3 credits)

作为newbb电子平台MPA危机与应急管理专业的三个组成部分之一, this course will examine effective leaders and explore leadership before, 危机期间和危机之后. Leadership in an organization is important. Leadership in a crisis and an emergency is essential. 沟通, 可见性, delegation and accountability; empowerment, 无私是一个好的领导者的关键技能,也是一个在危机中有效的领导者的必要特征, 特别是要保证生命, property and organizational viability. The course will require application of those effective leadership skills.

MPA 5900: Special Topics: Crisis and Emergency Planning (3 credits)

作为newbb电子平台MPA危机与应急管理专业的三个组成部分之一, 本课程将为当前和未来的领导者提供战略思维方法和实践, real-life crisis and emergency management skills needed to succeed.


Complete an additional nine hours of approved MPA elective courses.


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    to speak with a knowledgeable Enrollment Counselor.