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登录MyOHIO学生中心. 您的帐户摘要将显示应付的总金额. 您可以选择“帐户查询”链接查看您帐户的详细信息.


在MyOHIO学生中心, 在财务部分有一个“注册授权用户”的选项. Please refer to the 增加和维护授权用户[PDF] guide for more detailed instructions on how to set up and maintain an authorized user account.


登录MyOHIO学生中心. 在财务部分,选择Account Itemization链接. 您可以在注册时按学期查看和打印您的帐户活动. 该选项在授权用户访问中也可用. 帐目分项说明[PDF] 是否可以协助查找账户明细.

What is my account balance?

登录MyOHIO学生中心. 您可以在学生中心的帐户摘要中查看所欠金额. 可以通过选择account Itemization链接查看详细的帐户信息..


如果你已经完成并提交了你的教育福利表, 您的弃权将显示在您的帐户活动中.


关于newbb电子平台现金的信息可以在 One Card Office.


The funds will be sent electronically through the banking system in the same manner as direct deposit payroll. 电子资金转帐(EFT)安全、及时、方便 no more lost mail.


如果您在没有提供新的授权的情况下关闭了您的银行账户, 转账将被您的银行拒绝,并将延迟您的退款. 如果你输入了错误的银行账号,直接存款也会被拒绝.

我可否指定多于一个户口作直接存款? 这笔钱能打到我父母的账户吗?

不可以,所有的资金必须以您的名义存入一个支票或储蓄账户. 来自家长PLUS贷款的多余资金将以支票形式发给借款人.



When should I sign up?

To ensure processing a refund as a direct deposit, please enroll prior to the start of the term.


获得100%的学费减免, 该课程必须在课程开始日期之前放弃. An 80% partial tuition reduction may take place if a course is dropped within the add/drop period of a semester/session. Please review the Academic Calendar 或MyOHIO学生中心了解具体的截止日期.



要查看您的帐户余额详细信息,请登录 MyOHIO Student Center. 在“财务”部分,选择“帐户分项”. 使用打印机友好版本打印条目. 这将在文件上提供newbb电子平台的信头.

A 学生帐户如何视频 and an instructional PDF document 是否能协助查找账目明细.


Ohio University does not charge tuition based on the class, but on the number of credit hours. Tuition schedules, 哪些反映了每学时的基本学费, 可在财务司司长办公室的网页上查阅. Tuition schedules may be used in conjunction with the account itemization to validate tuition amounts that were charged for a given semester.

找到学费表在 Office of the Bursar 请在左侧导航菜单中单击“学费和杂费”.


No. It is the policy of the University to protect our student’s right to confidentiality under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 担保人必须获得有关成绩的信息, transcripts, 课程列表或其他直接来自学生的具体信息.


大学将向保荐人收取授权书中规定的费用. These may include tuition, technology fee, course fees, room/meal plan charges, student legal services fee, and/or health insurance, etc. 书籍和滞纳金不能向赞助商收取费用. 其他费用的支付应由学生和担保人协调.


Sponsored students who do not submit their sponsor authorization letter prior to the term billing or do not pay their portion of the bill when due, 是否有责任为他们的学生账户支付滞纳金. 由于学生账户上的未付余额,也可能会被搁置.

我看了我的账单,担保人的信用记录不在上面. What do I do?

要查看您的帐户余额详细信息,请登录MyOHIO学生中心. 选择Account Itemization链接以查看帐户详细信息.

如果你已经向财务司司长办公室提交了授权书, 请预留5-7天处理时间. 如果你的担保人将一份名单寄给财务司办公室, 花名册可能正在处理中或尚未收到赞助商的通知.


There is a payment plan 适用于在校学生. Enrolling in the payment plan allows the balance of the current semester to be split into installments. 报名请登录MyOHIO学生中心. 从下拉菜单中,选择“注册付款计划”. 付款计划的注册费为30美元.00 per semester. 学生必须每学期注册付款计划.

Please visit Payment Options 获取可接受的付款方式列表.


发票按授权书中提供的地址发送给联系人. Initial invoices will be prepared and mailed to sponsors according to the following schedule:

SemesterInitial Invoice MonthDue Date
FallSeptemberOctober 21
SpringFebruaryMarch 21
SummerJulyAugust 21

Invoices for students in the Ohio University RN to BSN program will be issued after the census date of the third, 每学期五周. Please refer to the Nursing Knowledge Center 有关会议日期的更多信息.

SemesterInitial Invoice MonthDue Date
FallNovemberDecember 21
SpringMarchApril 21
SummerJulyAugust 21

学生最终要为任何未付的学费余额负责. 如果保荐人没有支付授权的费用, the sponsor credits will be removed and the unpaid charges reinstated on the student’s account. The due date will revert to the due date of the original charge and may result in a financial hold.

要查看您的帐户余额详细信息,请登录MyOHIO学生中心. Please refer to Account Balances for more information.

如果担保人没有汇款, 学生有责任联系他们的担保人以确定原因. newbb电子平台不协商赞助协议的条件. 这是由学生和他们的担保人决定的.


如果在收到初始发票后60天内未付款, all charges that are not paid by the sponsor will be placed on the student account and the student will be billed electronically in the next student billing cycle. 


Form 1098-T is a statement colleges and universities are required to issue to certain students. It provides the total dollar amount paid to your student account for what is referred to as qualified tuition and related expenses during the tax year (January through December). The student, 或者声称学生是受抚养人的人, 是否可以在纳税申报单上申请教育抵免. 看看你是否有资格获得贷款, see Publication 970, 教育税收优惠和8863表格, Education Credits.


Internal Revenue Service regulations define qualified tuition and related expenses as tuition and fees required to be paid to the institution as a condition of the student’s enrollment or attendance. 合格费用包括教学费用, the general fee, the nonresident fee, technology fees, course fees, books, supplies, 以及课程所需的设备. 特别不包括:食宿, insurance, 医疗费用(如学生健康费用), transportation/parking, travel, 入学不需要的设备和其他费用, and personal expenses.

Will I receive Form 1098-T?

Every Ohio University student whose account had financial transactions during the calendar year will have online access to their Form 1098-T or receive it in paper form by January 31st of the following year. Receiving Form 1098-T does not necessarily indicate that you are entitled to claim any of the education-related tax credits or deductions.


Not necessarily. 确定资格是纳税人的责任. 请咨询合格的税务编制人员或审查 教育税收优惠:信息中心 作出个人的决定.


You can print a copy of your Form 1098-T by accessing your MyOHIO Student Center or the Authorized User Portal.


Ohio University is required by the IRS to report on a calendar year basis which is January 1 to December 31. The University can only report amounts to the IRS that posted to the student account between those dates.

为什么2024春季学期的费用会出现在我的学生账户上, but no payments, scholarships, 同一学期的助学金或补助金将出现在表格1098-T上?

The amounts reported in Box 1 on Form 1098-T are based on the calendar year in which the payment was made to your student account. 2023年的个人付款将出现在2023表格1098-T上. Spring semester 2024 scholarships and grants will not apply to accounts until January 2024 and will appear on the 2024 Form 1098-T.


请查阅您的已兑现支票, credit card statements, 以及有关付款金额和日期的详细信息的账户明细. 2023年1月1日至2023年12月31日之间的付款可获得税收抵免. Account Itemization提供了一个包含费用的视图, payments, financial aid, 以及特定学期的注册. 帐户分项链接位于MyOHIO学生中心的财务部分. 授权用户也可以通过授权用户门户访问帐号分项.

我用学生贷款支付了符合条件的学费和相关费用. 我还能申请美国机会抵税额吗?

Yes. 贷款资金应以与现金支付相同的方式考虑.  在发放贷款的当年申请贷款, 而不是在偿还贷款的那一年. Please review the direct loan disbursement notification you received from Direct Lending for disbursement dates.


有关1098-T表格及相关的抵税/扣除的一般资料, you can also review the information available from the IRS in Publication 970 (Tax Benefits for Education). 如果你对如何计算你的教育税收抵免有疑问, 您应该咨询合格的税务专业人士或审查 教育税收优惠:信息中心.

如果你对newbb电子平台1098-T表格上的金额有具体的问题, 你可以拨打740与财务长办公室联系.593.4130 or newbb电子平台无法提供个人税务建议.


Box 1:  收到的符合条件的学费和相关费用.

Box 2 : Reserved.

Box 3:  Reserved

Box 4: 对上一年作的调整:  The amount in this box will be the sum of all adjustments in tuition related to amounts billed in a prior year. 这个数额可能会减少你在前一年申请的任何允许的教育学分.

Box 5: Scholarships or grants:  This box contains the sum of all scholarships and/or grants Ohio University administered and processed for the student during the calendar year. Scholarships that pay for tuition (qualified scholarships) as well as for housing and other expenses (non-qualified scholarships) will be included in this amount. Tuition waivers and payments received from third parties for educational expenses are also included in this box.

Box 6: 上一年度奖学金或助学金的调整:  Adjustments in scholarship amounts related to scholarships reported in a previous year are included in this box. This amount may affect the amount of any allowable tuition and fees deduction or education credit you may have claimed for the prior year.

Box 7:  This box will be checked if the amount reported in Box 1 includes payments toward qualified tuition and fees for a semester beginning in the next calendar year. 例如,2024年春季学期的学费在2023年12月支付.

Box 8:  A check in this box indicates that you are or have been enrolled at Ohio University at least half-time (6 hours or more) for at least one semester during the calendar year. 

Box 9:  This box will be checked if you are a student enrolled in a program leading to a graduate-level degree.

Box 10:  这个盒子不是newbb电子平台使用的,所以它将是空白的.