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教师和学生组织可以要求为他们的班级或学生团体举办职业准备研讨会. 下面您将找到可用的研讨会列表和每个研讨会的描述. 所有的申请都可以通过点击下面的链接提出,并且必须在期望的研讨会日期前至少三周提交. 一旦你的请求被提交了一个商业学术建议 & 就业服务的工作人员将在一周内跟进申请的情况.

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Workshops Offered

The Essential: Introduction to Handshake

Have you heard of Handshake? 你知道人脉很重要,但却纠结于如何与校友建立联系? In this workshop, we will focus on demoing Handshake. 这将是一个互动环节,请携带笔记本电脑或平板电脑浏览网站.

You should request this workshop if you…

  • Are looking for an internship or job
  • 想学习另一种与雇主、校友和同事联系的方式
  • Want to attend on-campus career and recruiting events

Showcase Your Skills: Building Impressive Resumes

Applying for jobs? Prepping for the career fair? 不管怎样,有一份最新的简历是很重要的. In this workshop, 你将学习如何使你的简历从优秀到卓越,以及如何从其他简历中脱颖而出. 这将是一个互动环节,请携带最新版本的简历.

You should request this workshop if you…

  • You don’t know how to write a resume
  • You want to fine-tune your resume
  • Need to differentiate your resume from other students

Getting Creative: The Power of the Cover Letter

有一份完美的简历,却在为写求职信而烦恼? Don’t know how to write a cover letter? 这个工作坊将带你一步一步地完成求职信的写作过程. 如果你的简历没有讲述你的全部职业经历, 我们可以帮助你传达你的个性和独特的经历,使你成为这份工作的最佳候选人.

You should request this workshop if you…

  • Do not know how to write a cover letter
  • Want to present yourself as the best candidate
  • Need to differentiate your resume from your cover letter

Get Connected: The Key to LinkedIn Success

New to LinkedIn? Want to enhance your personal LinkedIn profile? Looking to connect with alumni and recruiters? 不要再看了,因为这个研讨会可以帮助你刷新和重振你的在线职业形象! In today’s world of social media, 确保你的在线简介和简历是新鲜的比以往任何时候都更重要, current, and discoverable by your colleagues. 来参加这个LinkedIn研讨会,学习如何创建一个专业的个人资料,展示你最好的一面,展示你的能力和成就. 即使你没有在寻找新的机会,你也不知道什么时候会有机会来找你!

You should request this workshop if you…

  • Want to build a strong personal LinkedIn profile
  • Need to learn how to connect with alumni
  • Want to improve your chances of being found on LinkedIn

On the Hunt: Internship & Job Searching

你是否需要开始寻找实习或工作,但不确定如何开始? Have you heard the job market is competitive? When is the best time to start looking? Conducting a job or internship search can be complicated. Learn about recruitment timelines, employer expectations, and best practices for finding leads, identifying contacts and landing interviews!

You should request this workshop if you…

  • 想知道从哪里开始找工作或实习
  • Need more information on what time is best to look

Landing Your Dream Job: Interview Tips and Tricks

面试是留下持久印象的理想方式. Do they make you nervous? 你是否在准备时遇到了麻烦,或者不知道接下来会发生什么? 参加这个研讨会可以确保你冷静下来,并得到每个问题的答案. 从传统的面对面面试到视频面试, we will ensure you feel comfortable in any situation.

You should request this workshop if you…

  • Want to learn about various types of interviews
  • Need help preparing for an interview
  • 想知道哪些有限的细节可以帮助你在面试中取得成功吗

Navigate the Grey Area: Maintaining Connections

大多数雇主都在寻找具有他们期望的职业能力的应届毕业生. 最难的部分是知道他们在寻找什么,以及如何在这些领域获得技能. 或者你想探索其他领域,但又想保持牢固的联系. 加入我们一起探索所需的能力以及如何应对这些棘手的情况.

You should request this workshop if you…

  • 不确定雇主需要什么样的技能和经验
  • Want to learn how to maintain professional connections
  • 想知道如何在拒绝邀约的同时保住宝贵的人脉

Managing Up: What Employers Want

对于各行各业的年轻专业人士来说,职场是一个全新的、令人兴奋的冒险. 给同事和经理留下良好的第一印象对于找到你在公司的位置很重要. In this workshop, 我们将探索如何在工作场所从给人留下深刻印象到理解你的上司.

You should request this workshop if you…

  • Are entering the workplace for the first time
  • 不确定什么问题可以问主管


可访问性在申请和面试过程中很容易被忽视. 本次会议将介绍最佳做法,通过保护学生的受保护信息,同时提供指导,增加他们获得就业的机会,帮助指导有有形和无形残疾的学生. 学员在结束课程时,会对求职和面试过程中的无障碍导航有更多的了解,并带走一些资源,用于他们的求职.

Job Search Tips for International Students

对于持签证的学生来说,找一份实习或全职工作更具挑战性. To help, 这个工作坊将教你如何更准确地找工作, how to answer interview questions about your work status, and how to increase your chances of being hired.

Is Graduate School Right for You?

Do you plan on attending graduate school? 你正在考虑读研究生,但还没有下定决心吗? 本次研讨会将讨论毕业后就读研究生院与全职工作的利弊, what type of programs exist, what is involved in applying, application timelines, how graduate committees evaluate applicants, and how to write personal statements. 

Discover Your True Colors

跳进人格类型的迷人世界,揭开你角色的本质. 通过参与活动和互动环节,你会发现使你成为你的色彩. Whether you're a vibrant Gold, a compassionate Blue, an adventurous Orange, or a analytical Green, 这个研讨会将帮助你拥抱你的个性,并利用它为个人, academic and professional achievement. This is a great team-building workshop! 

Next Steps

如果您对研讨会的要求有任何疑问或意见,请与我们联系 或商学院职业管理副主任迪恩·皮德科克(Dean Pidcock) or 740.593.2094. 如果您准备好提出请求,请使用下面的按钮连接到研讨会请求表单.

Request a Workshop