
CEO和CEO的主要区别. 企业所有者


商业领导的职业生涯既有意义又有利可图. Whether you dream of becoming the chief executive officer (CEO) of a major company or hope to open your own small business, 领导需要大量的技巧和努力工作. However, the specific duties associated with being a CEO or business owner can vary widely. 这两种立场的主要区别是什么?


首席执行官是一个组织中最高的领导职位. 战略规划, impactful decision-making and effective leadership are all involved in this position, 但不同的组织对CEO职责的定义不尽相同. 在理想的情况下, the person in the position of CEO is highly experienced in the company's industry, with in-depth business acumen and excellent communication skills as well as the ability to inspire others.  

虽然做CEO有很多好处, 这个职位也承担着很大的责任. 许多首席执行官工作时间很长,可能需要经常出差. 另外, major decisions that impact the future of the company are typically made by the CEO, meaning they are also held accountable for the results of any decisions they make.

ceo通常由公司董事会选出. 首席执行官还会定期向董事会提交业务报告. 这取决于他们所领导的企业的规模和角色, ceo们也可能花时间与公众互动.


小企业的老板非常亲力亲为. They are often involved in the day-to-day operations of their companies and may engage in customer service, 预算, 工资, 员工支持和更多. They also develop business plans and make strategic decisions for the future of their company. Successful business owners are excellent communicators and skilled in leadership, 解决问题和时间管理.

企业主也要承担很大的风险. If their business fails, they may face financial hardships and even bankruptcy. 业主承担的风险程度受到许多因素的影响, 包括所有权的性质. 例如, owners of limited liability companies (LLCs) are less liable for business failure than are owners of sole proprietorships. 出于这个原因,对企业主来说,仔细规划是很重要的. 当涉及到商业和财务决策时, 一个错误的步骤可能导致企业倒闭. 


While responsibilities of a CEO and the owner of a business may sometimes overlap, 这两个职位有不同的作用. 企业主在企业中有经济利益. They may be the sole owner or a part-owner if they share ownership with one or more other people. 偶尔, the owner of a business may even act as the CEO – this is especially common for new or small businesses.

In larger, established corporations, the owner(s) and the CEO are typically different people. While the CEO is heavily involved in decision-making and business operations, 企业所有者将在日常业务中扮演更小的角色. The owner may sometimes consult with the CEO, but more often, they take a less hands-on approach. 

The profit that business owners receive from their businesses is commensurate with their percentage of ownership. They are also responsible for the business's tax liability and shoulder the risks associated with ownership. 如果一个企业只有一个所有者, 他们拥有企业的全部利润, tax liability and risks; one well-known example of this is the company Dyson, 完全由詹姆斯·戴森爵士所有. 


While a CEO's specific job duties will vary based on the industry in which they work, 这个角色中的大多数人至少有一些共同的责任:

  • Lead the strategic planning process and guide business operations to align with the company's strategic plan.
  • Oversee and evaluate the performance of other top leaders in the organization.
  • Communicate with the company's board of directors and/or shareholders regularly.
  • Engage in high-impact decision-making that affects the future of the business.
  • Possess responsibility and accountability for the performance of the business while CEO.




首席执行官的薪水取决于几个因素. The location and size of the company can impact how much money the CEO makes, 首席执行官的个人经验和教育水平也是如此. As of 2023, chief executive officers earn a median of $189,520 per year, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局(BLS). The BLS reports that the highest-paying industries for CEOs include manufacturing, 技术服务和保健. 


比如CEO, any individual business owner's daily tasks will vary based on the industry they work in. The size and location of the business will also influence the owner's duties. 然而,这些责任在许多企业主中是共同的:

  • Create and manage the budget, and ensure business operations remain within the budget.
  • Write job descriptions, interview and hire employees to carry out business operations.
  • 确保业务符合所有联邦规定, 州和地方法规, 包括牌照规定.
  • Design the business plan and evaluate the plan regularly to ensure business operations match the overall business strategy.
  • Make all major decisions for the business, and solve business-related problems as they arise.


企业主根据公司的规模赚取不同的薪水, 业务类型和成功程度, 除其他因素外. 根据事实上的数据,2023年企业主的平均收入为106519美元.  While the average salary is significantly lower for business owners than for CEOs, many people find that the satisfaction of owning and operating their own business makes up for the lower salary.


Earning a quality education is one of the most important steps in preparing for a successful career. Whether you're interested in starting your own business or working your way up to CEO of a major company, MBA可以帮助你实现你的目标. 根据 业务,因为, 69% of CEOs in the United States have an MBA – a testament to the value of this degree in the business world. 

Earning an MBA takes commitment, but it doesn't mean you have to put your life on hold. 在newbb电子平台, you can study online and complete an MBA in as little as two years while working, 追求晋升或发展你的业务. 另外, you can further customize your learning by choosing a modality that best suits your learning style: 在线MBA vs. 专业工商管理硕士.

newbb电子平台 has also designed concentrations with industry demands and earning potential in mind. 选择MBA专业 in Finance, Health Care, Executive Management, Business Analytics, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Accounting, Project Management, Strategic Selling & 销售领导或商业冒险 & Entrepreneurship to graduate with a degree that's built to support your growth. 

根据2021年对newbb电子平台MBA毕业生的离职调查, 43% of respondents had already received a pay increase and 36% had already earned a promotion. 如果你真的想成为商界领袖, 获得正确的教育是你的第一步. 了解更多关于 newbb电子平台的在线MBA 今天就申请.


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Payscale. “首席执行官(CEO)的平均工资.11月检索. 3、2023年起 http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Chief_Executive_Officer_(CEO)/Salary

Zippia. “企业主是怎么做的??11月检索. 3、2023年起 http://www.zippia.com/business-owner-jobs/what-does-a-business-owner-do/?src=chatbot_popout_displayed

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U.S. 劳工统计局. “高管.”9月. 6, 2023. 检索到11月. 3、2023年起 http://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/top-executives.htm#tab-5

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海耶斯,亚当. “企业家面临哪些风险??“Investopedia. 11月. 13, 2022. 检索到11月. 3、2023年起 http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/040615/what-risks-does-entrepreneur-face.asp#:~:text=Entrepreneurs%20face%20multiple%20risks%20such,creating%20a%20realistic%20business%20plan

伦纳德,金伯利 & Bottorff,卡西. 6种类型的企业所有权:定义,优点 & 缺点.”12月. 5, 2022. 检索到11月. 3、2023年起 http://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/types-business-ownership/

Zippia. “谁拥有戴森??“8月. 21, 2022. 检索到11月. 3、2023年起 http://www.zippia.com/answers/who-owns-dyson/







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