OHIO Alliance for Population Health Resources and Training

Available Support 

The Alliance is available to support local, 通过在以下领域提供国家认可的专家,开展区域和州人口卫生组织和倡议:

  • Research and Quality Improvement: Informatics and data analytics, original population research, evidence based strategies, program development and program evaluation
  • Health Education and Workforce Development: Job training, 继续教育,增加获得认证项目和学位的机会, 支持经济发展项目,增加医疗保健服务
  • Policy Analysis and Development: Evaluation of existing health policies, 法律和规则,以及参考以证据为基础的国家政策和制定新的政策举措
  • Capacity Building: Community health planning, strategic and business planning, and coalition development training and maintenance

Project Teams

联盟通过为每个具体问题建立一支装备独特的团队来应对具体的挑战. We provide teams that consist of:

  • Nationally recognized researchers who will survey the population, analyze data from multiple datasets, interpret and present the results 
  • 制定循证战略并评估有效性的专家 
  • 经验丰富的战略规划者,他们将制定社区卫生评估和社区卫生改善计划,并支持地方认证工作 
  • 培训和教育人口卫生工作人员的有成就的教育工作者 
  • 为赠款和以卫生为重点的地方经济发展项目规划和建立支持的倡导者将改善获得优质卫生保健的机会

Training Resources

Introduction to Appalachian Health

Developing Cultural Competency and Humility

这一系列的培训模块侧重于理解从业者所面临的挑战, and other community members who provide health services, may face when working with rural and Appalachian residents. 记录的展示强调了该地区的历史背景, and how it contributes to the Appalachian culture, 以及理解从业者对农村和阿巴拉契亚文化的偏见的方法.



Module 1: Overview & Defining Appalachia

Synopsis: Defining Appalachia has not always been an easy task. 许多人会争论该地区的适当定义以及这样做的理由. 有些人会说,该地区没有明确的定义,使用任何传统手段都低估了这么大地区的复杂性.

Module Objectives:

  • Describe why the Appalachian region is difficult to define
  • Learn the Appalachian Regional Commission's definition of Appalachia
  • Discuss health disparities in rural areas
  • Identify the reasons for increased strategies to reduce HCV/HIV rates

Begin Module 1 >> 

Module 2: History, Culture & Stereotypes

Synopsis: 阿巴拉契亚有一个漫长而多变的历史,在这个资源指南中不能完全详细地叙述. However, 重要的是,那些试图了解阿巴拉契亚人的人对阿巴拉契亚的历史有一些了解.

Module Objectives:

  • 解释过去的历史事件如何影响当前的文化特征
  • Identify Appalachian stereotypes and understand why they are harmful
  • 研究文化特征如何影响与阿巴拉契亚人的互动

Begin Module 2 >>

Module 3: Barriers to Service - Cultural Competence & Humility

Synopsis: 阿巴拉契亚人在就医方面遇到障碍的常见原因基本上可以分为三个主要方面, Logistical, and Cultural.

Module Objectives:

  • 列出阻碍阿巴拉契亚人民寻求医疗保健和公共服务的障碍
  • Explain cultural competency and humility
  • Define the importance of developing cultural competency and humility

Begin Module 3 >>

Helpful Resources

Community Health Worker Training Program

社区卫生工作者(chw)是值得信赖的个人,他们在自己的社区内改善健康. They provide health services, increase access to care, 并通过在卫生保健提供者中发声,为个人和人群发声. 卫生工作者促进社区实现健康、公平和社会正义. 他们能够代表他们的社区成员并描述健康状况, social, economic, political, 以及他们面对的真实和生活经验的文化问题. 这种独特的模式不仅与服务对象建立了信任,而且还改善了健康结果. 在阿巴拉契亚县,获得保健服务的机会有限,健康的社会决定因素造成了额外的障碍, 保健服务站正在缩小社区成员与健康生活所需服务之间的差距.

More Information about Community Health Worker Training


Case Manager Certification Training

In collaboration with ProMedica and the University of Toledo, newbb电子平台健康科学与职业学院和该联盟开发了一个五门课程系列,为未来的案例管理人员准备案例管理人员认证考试.

主题专家开发了与案例管理的每个方面相关的内容. 每门课程都为护士提供继续教育和认证准备机会, social workers and licensed counselors.


Michal Searls, Director of Professional Programs and Partnerships, searls@eagle1027.com

Other Resources 

Ohio University offers continuing education for health professionals.

The following resources are supported by the Alliance:
