
*The strategic plan is a living document and will be updated as new strategic plans are further developed at the College and University levels. 


CHSP任务 & 愿景



newbb电子平台's Division of 听力,言语和语言科学 will be nationally recognized for fostering excellence and ambition in our students, 教师, 工作人员, 让所有人都能进行有效的沟通. 


  • 让教师参与进来, 工作人员, 学生在newbb电子和基础研究中发现知识.
  • To educate students from all backgrounds in an inclusive environment that integrates academic rigor, 服务经验, 文化敏感性.
  • 培养独立性, 专业, 以及学生成为成功学者的能力, 从业人员, 和倡导者.
  • To extend the boundaries of the university to enrich the quality of life for diverse populations.


  • 沟通 
  • 透明度
  • 专业 
  • 卓越
  • 学生参与与成功
  • 社区参与及影响 

我们对多样性的承诺, 股本, 包容, 可访问性, 归属感, 社会公正体现在我们的战略计划中.


目标1:维持并扩大循证听证的提供, 演讲, 并通过语言服务向社会推广, 人为本保健, 以及拓展活动. 


客观的一个. 通过投资临床教师培训,使所提供的服务多样化 

取得成就的策略: 在年度绩效评估过程中, each clinical 教师 member/supervisor will identify and discuss continuing education opportunities that will strengthen their knowledge and skills in the identified area(s) and their areas of expertise. 

分析时间表: 在与HSLS主任的年度审查会议上, each clinical 教师 member/supervisor will identify training opportunities and resources needed to pursue those opportunities.   

  • 指标实施于2023-2024年春季

目的B. 扩大本区域的社区外展规划和临床伙伴关系, 包括学校和医院.

取得成就的策略: Mechanisms to track community outreach programming and clinical partnerships are already in place. 随着新的外联地点和伙伴关系的建立,将进行更新.

分析时间表: The Coordinator of Clinical Services and Directors of Clinical Education will update the tracking systems at the end of each semester.

  • 跟踪将于2023-2024年秋季开始

Goal #2: Expand and promote the diverse research profiles of 教师 and students in 听力,言语和语言科学 to address broad and challenging communication issues through basic and applied research. 


客观的一个. 实施数字化措施,跟踪教师的研究效率.

取得成就的策略: 以下指标将用于评估研究生产力:

  • 提交和发表的经同行评审的手稿和章节的数量 
  • Number of peer-reviewed presentations delivered at state, national, and international conferences
  • 校外(联邦)人数, 基金会, 提交和资助的公司和内部拨款提案, 包括授予的总金额
  • 外部及内部认可奖项数目(例如.g.、优异奖、旅游奖) 
  • 招收、毕业、就业博士人数 

分析时间表: 在年度绩效评估过程中, data on each of these metrics will be tracked within the University’s digital measures system, 水印. 

  • 跟踪将于2023-2024年开始

目的B. 增加学生对研究和创造性活动的参与

取得成就的策略: The following metrics will be used to assess student engagement in research and creative activities:

  • 一名主要教员参与的项目数量 
  • 在教师指导下完成的HTC论文数量
  • 提交和发表的经同行评审的稿件数量 
  • Number of peer-reviewed presentations delivered at state, national, and international conferences
  • 向newbb电子平台社区发表演讲的次数(e.g.、博览、书院活动)
  • 校外(联邦)人数, 基金会, 提交和资助的公司和内部拨款提案, 包括授予的总金额
  • 外部及内部认可奖项数目(例如.g.、优异奖、旅游奖) 

分析时间表:在年度教师绩效评估过程中, 每个指标的数据都将在单元级数据库中进行跟踪. 

  • 跟踪将于2023-2024年开始

Goal #3: Enhance the currency and quality of undergraduate and graduate curricula to maximize students’ intellectual and personal development 

Goal 3 aligns with “Succeed” (CHSP) We SUCCEED in training the next generation of healthcare professionals. 

客观的一个. Identify and implement new curricular directions within our undergraduate and graduate 项目. 

取得成就的策略: 新课程和课程变更的建议将提交课程审查. 

  • 本科: We are planning to add Language Science and other related courses to the undergraduate major. 开设美国手语语法选修课. 
  • 研究生:医学语言病理学课程正在开发中.

分析时间表: The Program Coordinator in consultation with the Director of HSLS will submit course proposals and program changes (as applicable) to the College and University Curriculum Committees.

  • 预计2024-2025年秋季推出

目的B. Design and implement new curricular and co-curricular experiential learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. 

取得成就的策略: HSLS 4420(顶点课程)体验式学习机会正在开发中. We will develop a digital tracking system in which student experiential learning and interprofessional education opportunities are tracked, 包括机会列表(包括新的临床模拟经验), 项目, 和员工. A master table of annual activities for undergraduate and graduate students will be created.

分析时间表: Program coordinators will develop the master tables and update the tracking systems at the end of each semester.

  • 追踪将于2024-2025年开始

Objective - C. 教育学生成为多元化的倡导者, 股本, 包容, 归属感, 可访问性, 以及社会公正.

取得成就的策略: Incorporate topics on Deaf culture 以及社会公正/advocacy within graduate-level SLP and AuD coursework and HSLS colloquia. HSLS to host or support a camp for hard of hearing/Deaf children from the surrounding communities. 包括本科生和研究生. 探索 the possibility of implementing a mentor program to infuse ASL into therapy for community members served in our HSL Clinic. 

            分析时间表: 每年更新教学大纲和座谈会. 将探讨扩大临床服务和营地的可能性.

  • 跟踪将于2023-2024年秋季开始

目标4:建立更牢固的校友关系, including a plan to improve communications with external constituents and stakeholders

Goal 4 aligns with “Succeed” (CHSP) We SUCCEED in training the next generation of healthcare professionals. 

客观的一个. Establish an HSLS-specific network of alumni who contribute to academic and clinical instruction

取得成就的策略: The HSLS Director and select 教师 and 工作人员 will collaborate with the Alumni Association and Development to develop a database of our alumni, particularly those interested in donating their time and talent to support our student’s academic and clinical training.

            分析时间表: The database will be maintained by the HSLS Main Office 工作人员 and updated semi-annually.

  • 预计在2024-2025年推出

目的B. Engage in any rebranding required and consistently present the unit to internal and external constituencies with an agreed executive summary of 项目. 

成就策略Develop a stronger digital presence on our website for recruitment purposes including updated videos of undergraduate and graduate students telling “their story” about why they chose our program and brief 教师 descriptions about their research/clinical expertise and teaching philosophy. 

分析时间表主任将与全体教员一起工作, 工作人员, 选择本科生和MA-SLP和AuD学生, and University 沟通s and Marketing to develop a stronger digital presence that includes: (a) a greater array of photos of our clinical spaces and research labs; (b) brief text descriptions of each 教师 and clinical 工作人员 member’s area of teaching and research expertise and teaching philosophy; and (c) updated brief videos of current undergraduate students and MA-SLP and AuD students describing why they selected our program. 

  • 延续2018-2023年战略计划. 工作正在进行中,预计2024-2025年秋季将推出新的活动.

