






This year 阿德里亚娜卡马乔, a civil engineer 和 a second-year LAS student that focuses on sustainable construction, received the Presidential Medal award as a recognition of her outst和ing capstone project, "Sustainable irrigation water supply system design for southern 厄瓜多尔ian communities."

她的顶点项目旨在改善厄瓜多尔洛哈省服务不足社区的生活条件, through water supply for irrigation. 该系统包括灌溉系统的设计,从集水区结构到每个地块的滴灌系统. 它还包括雨水收集系统的设计,以保证全年的可持续农业.

鄂大热带传染病研究所正在推动该项目,最终帮助在厄瓜多尔南部社区建立供水系统,以解决社会问题, 经济, 和 environmental issues prevalent in the zone.

阿德里安娜说:“这个奖项属于你们每一个在过去两年中支持我、激励我的人. A special dedication to my family, friends, 和 my 厄瓜多尔ian colleagues in 雅典".

# OUVirtualExpo赢家

每年, 俄亥俄州 hosts its annual Student Expo to celebrate 和 showcase newbb电子平台 student research & 创造性活动. 今年的博览会是虚拟的,学生和博士后可以通过社交媒体发布文本参与其中, pictures or graphic video about their research & creative works to their social media accounts. 独联体的学生 凡妮莎和队友蒂娜Rishmawi耶利米Commey 和 琳达Tuah presented their research as part of the Expo! 迪娜·里什马维在国际全球类视频评判中获得第一名,凡妮莎·安特维在多样性类中获得第一名 & 包含类别. Congratulations to our students on their hard work!


Jennifer Ayarkwa Receives Blackburn/Spencer Scholarship Award


Jennifer Ayarkwa Blackburn Scholarship Awardee

Congratulations to Jennifer Ayarkwa, a 3rd year triple major undergraduate student in 拉丁美洲研究, 语言学和西班牙语, for receiving the Blackburn/Spencer Scholarship 和 Achievement Award.

Jennifer writes “Coming from a Ghanaian background, I have always embraced my diversity, 和 it made me open to embracing the diversity of others, thus my love for studying Spanish 和 all things Latin America. Through the generosity of the Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金(以及通过全球机会办公室提供的奖学金)我最近能够在托莱多留学, 西班牙. 我在托莱多的时候, I worked with kids from ages 3-12, 我告诉他们我作为一名加纳裔美国学生的生活,鼓励他们追随自己的梦想, 就像我做的一样. It is an honor to receive the Blackburn / Spencer Achievement Award!”

布莱克本/斯宾塞奖学金和成就奖是由黑人学生文化规划委员会于1979年设立的,以纪念玛莎·简·亨利·布莱克本, the first African American woman to graduate from newbb电子平台 和 Donald A. Spencer, the first African American to serve as chairman of the newbb电子平台 Board of Trustees. Recipients are selected based on a combination of financial need, 学业成绩, 和 outst和ing contributions to newbb电子平台.

Your CIS Graduate Student Senate (GSS) Representatives


Amal Shimir - Vice President, GSS

Amal Shimir is a MA c和idate in International Development Studies at newbb电子平台. Amal is the current Graduate Student Senate (GSS) Vice President, 和 she is also the President of newbb电子平台 Fulbright Scholars Association. 她来自伊拉克,曾在许多国际组织工作,如国际救援委员会和国际红十字会作为人道主义工作者.  Amal concentrates on development 和 conflict. She plans to focus her study on disarmament, 伊拉克武装团体和民兵在冲突后的复员和重返社会,以及伊拉克民主重建在亲政府民兵方面面临的挑战 . In her free time, she enjoys reading 和 traveling.


琳达Tuah - College Senator for CIS

Linda Konadu Tuah是公开大学国际发展研究专业二年级硕士研究生,来自加纳. Linda is the current College Senator for the Center for 国际研究. 她的研究领域是非洲女性移民工人在家庭护理行业的工作和生活,以及她们如何为她们所在国家和本国的经济发展做出贡献. 从这个意义上说, 她专注于汇款以及汇款如何帮助移民祖国的经济发展. 她热衷于为社区或社会中的弱势群体争取权益,帮助他们受到赞赏,并被视为社区中有价值的成员,这样他们就不会被排斥或落后.


GSS Program Representatives


Daniela Avila - 拉丁美洲研究

Daniela Avila是俄亥俄州立大学拉丁美洲研究硕士研究生二年级的学生,在newbb电子平台传染病和热带疾病研究所工作. She is the current Department Representative for the 拉丁美洲研究 Program for the GSS. 作为GSS内部活动的一部分,她还代表开放大学国际理事会(UIC)的研究生. She was born 和 raised in Quito, 厄瓜多尔, one of the smallest yet most diverse countries in South America. 她获得厄瓜多尔宗座天主教大学国际关系和国际商务学士学位. She has a keen interest in Women, 性别, 目前正在进行关于厄瓜多尔亚马逊妇女为环境而战的研究.

George Atta - 非洲研究 

George is a second-year MA c和idate pursing 非洲研究 at OU. George is the current 非洲研究 Department Representative for the Graduate Student Senator. He is from Anyinam in the 东部 Region of Ghana. He holds a Bachelor's degree in History from the Kwame Nkurumah University of Science & 技术. 主要研究方向为环境与殖民主义、非洲民主化等问题. In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer. 

Laureen Owaga - International Development Studies 

Laureen Owaga is a second-year MA C和idate in International Development Studies (IDS) from Kenya. 劳伦是研究生院国际发展研究部门的现任代表,对多样性和社会正义感兴趣. Her area of focus is in 性别 和 Development, 和 her research area is in 性别 inequality 和 性别-Based Violence, 特别调查了在肯尼亚实施基于性别的暴力政策所面临的挑战.



耶利米Commey is featured sitting down, from head to shoulders. He is wearing a blue shirt

Commey receives the Richard A. Horovitz Fund for Professional Development

耶利米Commey, a second-year  MA student in 非洲研究 from Ghana, has been awarded the Richard A. Horovitz Fund for Professional Development. 他渴望与寻求开展发展项目的大学和国际非政府组织合作,目的是将他的知识和经验传授给改善年轻一代的生活. 

霍洛维茨基金致力于非洲人文和社会科学领域的艺术家和学者,并颁发给学术成就突出的研究生. The fund was established in memory of Richard Horovitz, a Ford Foundation program officer who died in 1991.

His main area of research is development within the 文化 perspective in Africa. 在完成政治学和斯瓦希里语的第一个学位后,他在加纳大学现代语言中心担任教学/研究助理的经历激发了他对职业道路的灵感和热情. 他打算在完成博士学位后,通过研究和教学来回馈国家和社会. His goal is to acquire new approaches 和 interdisciplinary techniques–appropriate for the study of the Black experience; historical, 文化, 非洲侨民研究, 和 contemporary socio-经济 和 political issues, 和 effectively apply them upon his return to Ghana.


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