
巴顿教育学院 教职员工 Awards

巴顿学院教职员工奖 2023-24 Award Recipients
泰勒Scalfaro, 考特尼凯斯特勒, Dwan罗宾逊, 克里斯汀巴伦, 没有威克利, 朱莉Barnhart-Francis, 伊丽莎白Koon-Hoisington, 克里斯汀张伯伦, Jen牛顿


每年, 巴顿教育学院要求提名一系列奖项,以表彰以下类别的杰出教职员工.  Winners cannot be nominated again for 3 years after winning the award.  您可以为一个或多个类别提名教职员工,但不需要为所有类别提名某人,除非您希望这样做. For a list of past winners, please visit our 网页.


Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award

该奖项旨在表彰巴顿教育学院教师在本科教学方面的杰出表现. 杰出教学包括以下一个或多个领域的示范性建模,或以下未提及的另一个领域:

  • demonstrated depth of expertise and knowledge in their field; 
  • connected theory to practice and vice versa; 
  • 挑战学生的批判性思维, 综合新的理解, 探索多角度; 
  • delivered content interestingly or creatively;
  • 致力于高质量的辅导, coaching, and 建议; 
  • exemplified genuine professional caring: sincere, 移情作用的, 响应学生需求, 公平的评估, 公平对待学生;
  • demonstrated a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices;
  • facilitated and empowered students in their realization of personal and professional goals; 
  • 表现出对专业的承诺和作为学生榜样的强烈职业认同; 
  • 支持学生的成功,因为示范性的指导,在完成学术顶点的经验; 
  • 通过发表的作品和/或教师与学生之间的学术合作,为学生的成功做出贡献;
  • 创造了一种社区意识;
  • provided opportunities for students to learn/engage in the community outside the classroom. 

该奖项旨在表彰巴顿教育学院教师在本科教学方面的杰出表现. 杰出教学包括以下一个或多个领域的示范性建模,或以下未提及的另一个领域:

  • demonstrated depth of expertise and knowledge in their field; 
  • connected theory to practice and vice versa; 
  • 挑战学生的批判性思维, 综合新的理解, 探索多角度; 
  • delivered content interestingly or creatively;
  • 致力于高质量的辅导, coaching, and 建议; 
  • exemplified genuine professional caring: sincere, 移情作用的, 响应学生需求, 公平的评估, 公平对待学生;
  • demonstrated a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices;
  • facilitated and empowered students in their realization of personal and professional goals; 
  • 表现出对专业的承诺和作为学生榜样的强烈职业认同; 
  • 支持学生的成功,因为示范性的指导,在完成学术顶点的经验; 
  • 通过发表的作品和/或教师与学生之间的学术合作,为学生的成功做出贡献;
  • 创造了一种社区意识;
  • provided opportunities for students to learn/engage in the community outside the classroom. 

该奖项旨在表彰巴顿教育学院教师在本科教学方面的杰出表现. 杰出教学包括以下一个或多个领域的示范性建模,或以下未提及的另一个领域:

  • demonstrated depth of expertise and knowledge in their field; 
  • connected theory to practice and vice versa; 
  • 挑战学生的批判性思维, 综合新的理解, 探索多角度; 
  • delivered content interestingly or creatively;
  • 致力于高质量的辅导, coaching, and 建议; 
  • exemplified genuine professional caring: sincere, 移情作用的, 响应学生需求, 公平的评估, 公平对待学生;
  • demonstrated a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices;
  • facilitated and empowered students in their realization of personal and professional goals; 
  • 表现出对专业的承诺和作为学生榜样的强烈职业认同; 
  • 支持学生的成功,因为示范性的指导,在完成学术顶点的经验; 
  • 通过发表的作品和/或教师与学生之间的学术合作,为学生的成功做出贡献;
  • 创造了一种社区意识;
  • provided opportunities for students to learn/engage in the community outside the classroom. 
Distinguished Child Development Center Teaching Award

该奖项旨在表彰巴顿教育学院儿童发展中心的优秀本科生教学和指导. 杰出的教学和指导涉及以下一个或多个领域或以下未提及的另一个领域的示范性工作:  

  • demonstrated depth of expertise and knowledge in the field 
  • 致力于高质量的辅导
  • connected practice in the classroom to theory through conversations, feedback, or planning  
  • created a sense of community in the classroom with children, candidates, and families
  • exemplified genuine professional caring: sincere, 移情作用的, 响应学生需求, 公平对待候选人
  • challenged candidates to think critically, 综合新的理解, and explore multiple perspectives working with young children
  • demonstrated a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices 
  • 支持和授权考生在课堂上实现个人和职业目标  
  • 表现出对专业的承诺,并作为候选人的榜样,倡导强烈的职业认同 
Distinguished 教师 Research and Creative Activity Award

该奖项旨在表彰与巴顿学院有关的重要研究和/或创造性活动,并由一名教职员工 在过去三年内进行. Research/creative activity may be theoretical, conceptual, or applied. Nominations should explain why the research/creative activity is particularly significant. Research and creative works may include, but are not limited to:

  • 书籍和书籍章节; 
  • 期刊文章; 
  • 原创多媒体制作; 
  • 展览;
  • software applications or other emerging technologies; 
  • 会议报告;
  • 受邀向国内和/或国际观众发表主题演讲(与评审会议演讲不同); 
  • grant-supported research or creative work; 
  • 在相关领域作出原创性和有意义贡献的研究或创造性工作;
  • 将更加重视与阿巴拉契亚农村地区和服务不足社区有关的有影响力的研究/创造性活动. 

该奖项是为了表彰巴顿教育学院的一名教师对同事或学生(本科生或研究生)的杰出指导. 优秀的指导超越了作为教师的标准要求和期望,比如教学, 建议, 并参与非论文项目, 论文, 或者论文委员会. Outstanding mentoring may involve exemplary modeling or professional growth support such as: 

  • providing both formal and informal observations, 批判, and other professional support for colleagues’ or students’ pedagogical efforts;  
  • helping students to become active and engaged members of regional and 国家 organizations; 
  • 通过拓展师徒关系,继续支持学生毕业后的职业发展; 
  • helping students to develop forms of outreach and/or community engagement;
  • exemplifying genuine professional caring: sincere, 善解人意, 对多样性问题敏感, 响应学生需求, 公平的评估, 公平对待他人; 
  • supporting and encouraging professional growth as a club advisor of a student organization; 
  • including students on grants, research projects, or research teams; 
  • helping students develop and revise research manuscripts, 会议演讲, and other forms of scholarly dissemination; 
  • nominating colleagues or students for local, 状态, 国家, 或者国际奖项, 识别, 奖学金, or other professional growth opportunities. 
Distinguished 教师-工作人员 Outreach Award

该奖项旨在表彰巴顿教育学院的教职员工在专业拓展方面的杰出表现. 外联工作应涉及学院内各院系和项目所代表的领域, 以及在以下一个或多个领域或以下未提及的其他领域对更大的大学和社区的贡献:

  • 大学和社区的项目开发,发展和维持与大学相关的伙伴关系; 
  • development and/or innovations in mentoring practices; 
  • 为学校及社会服务;
  • promotion of experiential learning opportunities;  
  • development of professional standards and credentials; 
  • 为学院所代表的专业人士提供继续教育和专业发展; 
  • 通过公共媒体或政治影响等手段,提高和理解教育在整个社会中的作用; 
  • 在州、地区、国家和/或国际专业协会中发挥外联和领导作用; 
  • mentoring and development of current and future leaders in the college; 
  • 有影响力的公共关系, 沟通, and broaden the understanding of college programs and initiatives; 
  • participation and/or leadership in grant-supported outreach with partnerships; 
  • recruitment and retention of students in programs of the college;
  • 临床(咨询, 监督, 评估, consultation) services for professional and community members. 

该奖项旨在表彰巴顿教育学院行政工作人员的杰出专业工作和成就. 该奖项表彰在专业服务责任领域的模范贡献, 沟通技巧, 团队合作, 自我发展表现在以下一个或多个领域或以下未提及的另一个领域:

  • made outstanding contributions to the mission and goals of the program in their works, as well as to the mission and goals of The Gladys W. 和David H. 巴顿教育学院; 
  • 在专业表现中表现出积极主动和创新的能力,以便在被提名人的项目职责范围内实现解决方案和结果; 
  • 表现出出色的与同事沟通的能力,履行职责,包括, 但不要局限于尊重, 对各种各样的想法持开放态度, 并鼓励他人; 
  • demonstrated a commitment to create a diverse and inclusive environment;
  • responded to student needs (where appropriate) in a timely fashion; interacted well with students in a respectful manner; 
  • took opportunities for professional development and applied this to their work; 
  • initiated collaboration with faculty members in The Gladys W. 和David H. 巴顿教育学院 for a mutually beneficial purpose or outcome; 
  • contributed to and implemented “best practices” within their profession.  

This award acknowledges exemplary contributions in the areas of professional service, 沟通技巧, 团队合作, 自我发展表现在以下一个或多个领域或以下未提及的另一个领域:

  • 对他/她/他们工作的项目的使命和目标做出了杰出的贡献, as well as to the mission and goals of The 巴顿教育学院;
  • 在专业表现中表现出积极主动和创新的能力,以实现解决方案和结果;
  • 表现出出色的与同事沟通的能力,履行职责,包括, but not be limited to being 对各种各样的想法持开放态度 and encouraging others;
  • demonstrated a commitment to create a diverse and inclusive environment;
  • 对教员的回应, 工作人员, 及时和尊重学生的需求(在适当的情况下),包括提供指导和支持; 
  • took opportunities for professional development and applied this to his/her/their work;
  • interacted with, supervised, and mentored student workers. 

The 玛格丽特·汤普森纪念奖 is generated from an endowed fund. 这个奖项是为了表彰《newbb电子平台》的一名保密工作人员提供的杰出服务. 和David H. 巴顿教育学院. 它专注于奉献和卓越的服务,在分类工作人员的专业领域巴顿学院. An eligible nominee is any classified 工作人员 member who has served The Gladys W. 和David H. 巴顿教育学院 for at least five (5) years.