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Master of Fine Arts 在雕塑+扩展实践

雕塑+拓展实践 — Master of Fine Arts

What you’ll learn

雕塑+拓展实践 Area has a deep commitment to exploring a broad variety of materials, equipment, techniques, 没有强加的意识形态. Students are encouraged to chart their individual path as skilled makers and shapers of objects within public, 私人及数码空间, 从传统的雕塑方法到声音, performance art, 网络探索. Students participate fully with the School of Art + Design's extensive and prestigious visiting artists program, attending presentations and receiving individual critiques with artists like Vito Acconci, Charles Ray, 杰西卡股东, Luis Jiminez, Jenny Holzer, Faith Ringhold, and Burt Barr, to name only a few.

Facilities The 雕塑+拓展实践 Area is housed in a 5,900 square foot sculpture building which contains fabrication space with assorted tables, hoists, and cranes; metal working equipment; modern two furnace foundry and support equipment; plaster area; conference room; and a fenced sculpture yard.

在邻近的塞格弗雷德大厅, the 雕塑+拓展实践 Area has two rooms dedicated to semi-private graduate studios (approximately 250 square feet for each student) and faculty offices. Seigfred Hall also contains the School of Art + Design's wood shop & tool room. The wood shop is available for use to all School of Art + Design students, and is an instructional space for sculpture classes. The shop contains a wide variety of stationary and hand-held power tools for cutting, 成型和弯曲木材和塑料, 工业缝纫机制造技术, and an extensive collection of specialized hand tools, jigs, and clamps.


  • Casting, persona, performance, ethnicity, identity, environment
  • Bio-narrative、结构 & alchemy
  • 交互安装、技术、编码
  • Alternative processes such as, 3-D printing, laser cutting, vinyl cutting
  • 美学,地方,生态,合作
  • The role of design in sculpture practices, materiality and sustainability
  • 政治、社会实践、创业
  • Pedagogy and professional practices in Sculpture


Recent graduates are now actively participating in the art field by attending Fullbright programs, 做艺术家的助手, and showing their work across the US and abroad in noteworthy exhibitions. Our graduate and undergraduate students have found employment as professors and visiting artists at colleges and universities, 在公立学校当艺术家, and as museum and gallery workers across the US.


  • Professional gallery representation; site-specific public works
  • 大学教学岗位
  • 富布赖特获奖者
  • Arts administration/museum and/or non-profit positions
  • creative director, studio technicians, industrial design
  • Gallery manager, owner, curator, exhibition designer
  • 美术作家、图书管理员或顾问
  • Studio assistant


All faculty in the 雕塑+拓展实践 area are working artists who exhibit actively and serve as visiting artists and lecturers at colleges and galleries across the country. Ohio University and the Sculpture Department are committed to the creation of a diverse community of artist scholars.

The faculty of the Sculpture area have an impressive collection of professional accomplishments including two National Endowment for the Arts Grants, three Regional NEA Rockefeller Foundation New Forms grants, 以及七项州艺术委员会拨款, as well as both public and private permanent public art commissions in several cities around the US. Their work has been reviewed in major newspapers across the country and in both regional and national art magazines. Members of the sculpture faculty have been selected to participate in prestigious residencies, including Art Park in upstate New York; The Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco; The Ragdale Foundation, Chicago; and Sculpture Space, Utica, New York.

“Both Art and Teaching can be acts of generosity-- an earnest sharing of those things cared about--an eager receptivity to what we don’t yet understand.”

Connect with us

If you’d like more information about the 雕塑+拓展实践 program, 联系Duane McDiarmid教授.

Duane McDiarmid
Area Chair,
(740) 566-6470


  • 申请项目

    M.F.A. 在雕塑+扩展实践

    申请进入M.F.A. 在雕塑+扩展实践, both a Graduate College (online application) as well as School of Art + Design, 雕塑区申请必须收到. Please adhere to the following check-list in preparing both of these areas of application. 申请必须在2月1日之前盖上邮戳.


    Make your online application through 俄亥俄研究生院
    Apply Here

    Application Fee--$50 for US Citizens, $55 for International

    Artist Statement

    You can upload most application materials directly to the online application. We recommend you use this option to ensure your materials are kept together with your application. The application also hosts a secure online recommendation system.


    Research & Tech Building
    2nd Floor, Room 220
    Athens, OH 45701



    20 examples of artistic work with Information about each artwork

    Note: NO MATERIALS other than your official transcripts should be sent through standard mail. CD或DVD上的作品集将不予考虑.