
Food in Sicily students explore the island’s 古希腊 past

食物在西西里学习计划, 定于5月9日至29日举行, 2024, are invited to attend an upcoming information session on Microsoft Teams.

Participants in the study abroad experience can earn six newbb电子平台 credits, learn about the culture of food in Sicily, and get hands-on experience tasting and making Sicilian dishes.

"Like ice cream, cheesecake, and chocolate? What about marzipan, cannoli, and sumptuous pasta? 然后, come experience the cultural and historic food ways of Sicily, 地中海最大的岛屿. We'll travel Sicily's eastern 'Greek' coast to see and taste this unique island's rich history of food traditions. 你甚至可能会遇到 主厨餐桌明星 while visiting Caffè Sicilia in Noto, Sicily," said Food in Sicily Director 大卫·贝尔, Ph.D.教授,副教授 语言学 in the 文理学院.

Interested students are invited to join an information session via TEAMS. 参加会议 at one of the following dates and times:

•1月3日. 10、晚上7:30.m.
•1月星期二. 16、晚上7:30.m.
•1月星期四. 18、晚上7:30.m.
•1月星期一. 22、晚上7:30.m.
•1月3日. 24、晚上7:30.m.
•1月星期一. 29、晚上7:30.m.

Food in Sicily Students Re-enact Ancient Greek Games

The  Greek colonization of Sicily began in the 8th century BCE with the building of such cities as Siracusa in the south-eastern corner of the island. 今天, one of the most visited attractions in the hills above the modern city of Siracusa is the Parco Archeologico della Neapolis home to the Teatro Greco, 西西里最古老的希腊剧院, 和反罗马帝国, originally used for gladiatorial combats and horse races. 从五月到七月初, 16,000-seat theater puts on a spectacular season of classical Greek plays. 但是在5月17日, 2023, all the attention was on the Anfiteatro Romano and the fifth re-enactment of the Giocchi di Zeus Eleutherios, 古代奥林匹克运动会.

People in traditional Greek dress race through a field

The revival of  the games is the work of Dr. 希瑟·里德, Scholar in Residence at the Exedra Mediterranean Center, and Professor of Philosophy Emerita at Morningside College in Iowa. Reid has published numerous books and articles in ancient philosophy, 体育哲学, 及奥林匹克研究. In the days before the re-enactment of the games, Food in Sicily students spent time at the Center fashioning costumes and olive branch crowns. They also had to decide whether to participate as athletes or judges.

People in traditional Greek helmets with feathered plumes race through a field
A group of people in traditional Greek dress walk in a line beneath a stone archway in the open air
The Parade of athletes and judges into the Teatro Romano

On the morning of the re-enactment newbb电子平台 students gathered at the Teatro Romano together with students from the Liceo Gargallo, (a classical high school in Siracusa), and ITS Fondazione Archimede (a professional school providing training in tourism, 热情好客, and the cultural heritage of Sicily).  The games opened with a parade of student-athletes and judges followed by the inauguration ceremony with short speeches in Italian, 古希腊, 和英语. 

然后比赛开始了. Athletes competed in various races: the stadion, a short race; the the diaulos, double the length of the stadion; and the oplitodromos, a double-length race wearing a helmet and carrying a shield. The judges carefully monitor the races for any infringements of the rules and signal the winners by pounding their staffs on the ground. 在闭幕式上, the winners were crowned with laurels and poems of thanks were given up to Zeus.  One of the winners was Marco Messina, Exedra Center staff and on-site program coordinator for Food in Sicily.



Food in Sicily is a faculty-led program for newbb电子平台 credit. 在俄亥俄州学习项目, 学生获得俄亥俄学分, take courses with other OHIO students and are taught by OHIO faculty. A student's financial aid package applies the same as it would for on-campus courses.
Food in Sicily is open to undergraduate and graduate students, and students can earn six credit hours while learning how to make mozzarella, practicing Italian with a "Table and Market" meeting with local social enterprises, helping with dinners at a local soup kitchen, 参加烹饪班, 参观农场, 啤酒厂和酿酒厂. (For additional information see the articles on "Singing, Dancing and Churning the Cheese in Sicily“在2019年的旅行中,”Food in Sicily students experience how service changes people's lives"和"Food in Sicily students discover the power of community resilience在2022年的旅行中).

访问s to markets and sites in Ortigia, 意大利, include the Catacombs of San Giovanni, the medieval Jewish quarter and Castello Maniace. 计划去卡塔尼亚一日游, 意大利, where students will visit the fish market, 历史古城中心, 本尼迪克特修道院, 希腊剧院和大教堂. 学生们还将在富士山徒步旅行. Etna and enjoy time on Sicilian beaches, as well as tour the historical towns of Noto and Taormina

更多信息,请访问 西西里美食网页 or 联系贝尔.

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