

“这太棒了。. I learned so much about myself and have never felt more positive about my ability to keep moving forward."  

"My advocate was the first person who listened to my experiences and immediately validated them. I talked to others and they brushed off my experiences or tried to solve them immediately, but I really just needed someone to listen and assure me that my response to the trauma was normal, 我所经历的其实是创伤. I think just having a "word" to explain what I experienced really helped me as well."


“我在SAP的经历非常棒. My advocate helped me get away from my stalker and allowed me to move on from the traumatic experiences involved with this specific instance."

“SAP is the best resource I could have found in my time at newbb电子平台. They helped me immensely and showed me compassion every step of the way.” 


“我已经在SAP工作两年了. Every advocate I've worked with has been invaluable for my own personal growth, 也感谢你把我留在身边, 无论是在大学还是在世界上. Even though this past year we haven't been able to meet in person, 我的律师也同样支持我, just as helpful to work with and as present as she possibly could be. 和她说话我总是觉得很自在." 

“OU's 幸存者倡导项目 is by far one of the most valuable on-campus resources available to students. Each of the SAP advocates are incredibly compassionate, 善解人意, and committed to eradicating the accepted culture of sexual violence that surrounds a university community. I wouldn't be the empowered 幸存者 I am today without the support of SAP's staff and their outreach activities."

“SAP在我的康复过程中发挥了不可或缺的作用. I can say without hesitation that I would not be who I am, or where I am, without them. SAP offered me unconditional support, love, respect, and access to resources. I am eternally grateful to them and their exceptional work.” 

“这是我一生中最有帮助的经历. 我非常感谢SAP为我所做的一切. 没有他们,我不知道我会在哪里.” 

“我的支持者很了不起. She truly held the space for me to share intimate details of my experiences I haven't been comfortable sharing anywhere else."

"The advocates I have worked with at SAP have helped me understand how my trauma affects me, 如何处理它,如何克服它. I am a better person because of them, and I wold be a million times worse off without them. They were willing to listen to my experiences and go at my pace, and they BELIEVED every word i said. 我非常感激他们."  

"I worked with {name redacted}, she is a wonderful women [sic]. The first day I met her I was very afraid to tell her everything but then she explained to me how the program works. 我信任她,把事情原原本本都告诉了她. 她了解我的文化和性别. She explained to me some information about the court system. She treated me like a friend and helped me to feel safe by providing me some sources where they can help me 24/7. But she was always there even on the weekends I email her and tell her that I'm safe. 她是任何需要她的人的家人."  

“There are no words that could express how much appreciation and love I have for the 幸存者倡导项目. Every single person I've met and/or worked with in the organization wanted nothing but to help me and anyone else I've known go to SAP seeking help. 大学一年级,我向SAP寻求帮助, and continued getting support from them for the entirety of my four years here. 我和他们一起找到了家. I felt safe with them when I didn't feel safe anywhere else, and I'm going to miss every single person I've worked with.” 

“The people over at SAP continuously reassure me that my feelings are validated. They believe me, and not only do they express that by saying it, but also with 同理心.” 

“The 幸存者倡导项目 has helped me overcome one of the largest struggles in my life and was by my side every step of the way. Without the help of everyone at SAP I don't know if I would feel as strong or if I would have found the path to recovery."

在幸存者倡导项目中, 我们找到了尊重, 同理心, and support we needed to have during such a painful and difficult time.”

“Without SAP I would have found it extremely difficult, 如果不是不可能的话, 通过我的面试和听证会. The support and help that I gained from my advocate was something that will stick with me for the rest of my life.”

“Everyone I interacted with was incredibly welcoming, supportive and helpful. Having an institutional resource to learn more about my options and navigate my studies while dealing with a difficult personal experience was invaluable. Having these resources available and accessible is one of the reasons I was able to stay in my program after a traumatic event.”

“I really appreciate everything that SAP services did for me. I felt comfortable and safe in their environment and they helped me come to terms with the situation I went through. I would recommend their services to anyone I know who needs them.”

“I’m very grateful that this resource is available to me and my fellow students at newbb电子平台.”

“The advocates I have worked with at SAP have helped me understand how my trauma affects me, 如何处理它,如何克服它. I am a better person because of them, and I would be a million times worse off without them. They were willing to listen to my experiences and go at my pace, and they BELIEVED every word I said. 我非常感激他们.”