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University State Vehicle Guidelines


Standard Parking Locations

University owned, 国家许可的车辆可以停在校园内的墨绿色或紫色指定停车场内的任何非计量和不受限制的空间内.  如果一个特定的地段变得拥挤或问题,由于国家车辆存储, 为了有效地管理校园停车需求,可以协调将车辆存放在其他位置的请求. 

Service Maintenance Parking Spaces

交通和停车服务部门认识到,大学拥有的国有车辆需要具备服务能力,能够使用校园内不同地点的可用停车位.  As a result, 校园内的各个停车场都被指定为服务维修停车位.  These areas maintain a four-hour parking limit, 并要求车辆在交通部注册虚拟许可证 & Parking Services.  不得将国有车辆停放在维修场所内.

Service maintenance permits may be requested by a department using the Service Maintenance Permit Request Form.  

服务维修许可证是车牌专用的,许可证不可转让. Permits are issued at a cost of $50 per fiscal year (July 1-June 30). 各部门应在许可证到期前协调每年的许可证续期.  

  •  In addition to designated spaces, 持有服务维修许可证的国有车辆可在以下地点停放:
    • Curbs within University parking lots.  车辆可以使用路缘,但不能以禁止车辆或行人流动的方式停放. 
    • Loading Docks
    • Regular spaces within dark green and purple lots.
  • Parking is not permitted within the following locations.
    • Grass
    • University Sidewalks
    • University Roadways.
    • Fire lanes
    • Metered Spaces
    • Sign Restricted Spaces
    • Pay by Space or Hourly Areas
    • Residential Parking Lots and Garages
    • Lots Closed for Events

在特殊情况下,需要进入通常不允许停车的区域(如上所述)的国家车辆应与运输部门安排停车通道 & Parking Services.  进入这些停车场的许可证将视乎个别情况而定. 

Vehicle Use Guidelines & Driving Best Practice Considerations:

Appropriate & legal use:

As provided in 47.001(C), the planning unit head, to which the vehicle is assigned, or his or her designee, 是否有责任确保车辆用于学校的官方事务. 指定部门负责建立一个系统,了解和记录与每辆指定车辆相关的所有驾驶活动. 

A driver verification template 已发展为单位在跟踪车辆使用的指南. A pre-trip inspection 是否应在车辆使用前完成以确保所有主要安全部件正常工作. 

The university is not financially responsible for traffic, parking, toll, 或者个人使用其车辆发生的交通违法行为,由车辆经营人承担全部处罚责任. 

Vehicle mishaps and crashes:

Per 47.001(D),车辆的司机有责任妥善保养他们所拥有的车辆. An automobile insurance packet, containing an insurance card and a copy of the "Ohio University Vehicle Crash Report Form" (OUVCRF) shall be in each vehicle. 如果发生事故或坠机,必须填写OUVCRF表格并将其交回运输部 & Parking Services (TPS) or e-mailed to  immediately upon the vehicles return to campus.

Driver training, selection, and evaluation:

The planning unit head, or designee, 必须建立一个系统来验证所有司机都拥有有效的美国驾照,并且他们的驾驶记录反映了他们在驾驶时的安全行为. 雇用部门须查核所有驾驶大学车辆(包括服务车辆及大学车队租赁车辆)的人士的驾驶纪录。, going back two years prior to initial operation of a university vehicle, and annually thereafter for a cumulative total of 5 years).

The employing department is responsible for all aspects of these checks. If a driving record reflects repeated unsafe behavior, 用人单位不得允许涉事司机驾驶学校车辆. 被吊销或吊销驾驶证的驾驶员禁止驾驶学校业务车辆. 驾驶执照上有限制的司机必须得到安全或风险管理主任的批准 & Insurance before driving university vehicles for university business. Drivers must be at least 18 years old. 司机在过去三(3)年内不得有任何以下违规行为:酒后驾驶/OMVI, negligent homicide via a vehicle or aggravated assault with a vehicle. 

newbb电子平台有权取消或拒绝任何有事故或违规历史的人的驾驶特权,这些人涉及大学拥有或租赁的车辆, who has demonstrated an unsafe driving record, or for any other reason that the University, in its sole discretion determines creates a safety risk. 

Vehicle repairs, inspections, and service:

As described at 47.001 (F), Servicing of university vehicles is provided by TPS. Annual safety inspections shall be performed on all university vehicles. 各部门负责确保与TPS协调大学车辆的日常维护和年检需求. 

Fueling access:  

需要在校园内外加油的大学自有车辆应通过电子邮件与TPS协调,以获得适当的加油卡/钥匙 to support on-site and off campus fueling efforts. 俄亥俄州的加油站应该是加油通道的主要来源, 将提供旅行者卡,当在雅典以外旅行时,应使用该卡来满足校外加油需求.

Vehicle Acquisition & Disposition Procedures:

欲购买或处置车辆或领有牌照的设备,包括多用途车辆的部门, golf carts, and trailers should follow established vehicle acquisition & disposition procedures.

Vehicle Operation Best Practices:

  • For trips exceeding 8 hours in duration, 建议使用2名授权驾驶员操作车辆,每4小时轮换一次驾驶员,防止驾驶员疲劳.
  • The use of alcohol, tobacco, 在驾驶学校车辆时,任何时候都禁止使用其他药物. 
  • Refrain from the use of headphones, earbuds, and utilize hands-free phone devices while operating a vehicle. 
  • 乘客人数不得超过工作安全带的数量. 货车行驶时,所有乘客必须坐好,系好安全带. Drivers are responsible for enforcing this requirement.
  • Passenger Vans: 
    • Reduce van speed BELOW the speed limit posted for all turns. In addition, sudden jerky motions should be avoided when steering.
    • Adjust sideview mirrors so that the sides of the van can be seen.
    • 当驶入车流或试图停车时,留出更多的时间和距离. 司机应该在他们的货车和前面车辆的尾部之间保持三到四个车长的距离.
    • 在货车内携带的行李/货物应尽可能靠近地板包装,不得堆叠在椅背的水平面上. 在可能的情况下,应将行李/货物系紧,以确保物品不会移动或掉落. Heavily loaded vans should have the load distributed evenly. Avoid excessive loading behind the rear axle of the van.