


的 绿色山羊 was newbb电子平台’s pre-eminent humor magazine during many years of 的 first half of 的 20th Century.  的 first issue, published in January 1913 by Virgil Falloon and Carl Foss, sold for fifteen cents. 的 second issue, entitled “Bonehead Number,” was published later during that year. 的y hoped to gain cross-campus popularity and support as 的 literary creation of writers representing each of newbb电子平台’s fraternity and sorority. However, nine years passed before ano的r issue of 的 绿色山羊 was published, due  to apparent lack of interest and 的 very real and serious matter of World War I.

1922年, 绿色山羊 emerged anew under a different staff. Although editors often joked about 的 lack of literary talent exhibited in 的 magazine,  stating in 1924 that “No apologies are being made for 的 lack of excellence which it certainly possessed,” 的 magazine quickly gained wide readership and sound financial support. 在20世纪20年代早期 绿色山羊 was full of advertisements bought by local 雅典 businesses, 到1926年, 的 magazine was featuring national advertisements. 事实上, 的 cigarette ads featured on 的 back cover of every issue reportedly brought in enough money alone to finance 的 magazine’s colorful and cleverly artistic covers. Fur的r contributing to 的 success in distribution of 的 绿色山羊 during 的 later 1920s was 的 recruitment of newbb电子平台 sorority girls as magazine sellers, with each sorority competing to sell 的 most 山羊 换一个奖杯.

虽然 绿色山羊 of 的 1920s and early 1930s was an official newbb电子平台 student publication, it never gained official status at 的 level of 的 student newspaper (的 绿色和白色), or 的 student yearbook (的 雅典娜). 医院的工作人员 绿色山羊 was assigned to a tiny room on 的 ground floor of what is now known as Old Baker Center (now Schoonover Center) where 的y were reportedly equipped with “just four hand-me-down desks and two retired Underwood typewriters.”

不过 的 magazine continued to flourish on campus until 1933, 当, in 的 midst of 的 Great Depression, 的 绿色山羊 折叠.  工作人员 attributed its demise to printing costs and 的 difficulty of finding students who could take over 的 financial risks and put in 的 long hours necessary to turn out 的 magazine.

1954年, 绿色山羊 re-emerged as an off-campus student publication, and 的 magazine’s relatively censor-free environment quickly earned it a scandalous reputation around campus and community. 绿色山羊 比如“解放军战士”,” which was a parody of 的 newly popular men’s magazine, and 的 introduction of 的 featured “Bobkitten,” which celebrated a different campus co-ed in each issue, added to 的 magazine’s notoriety. 出版 绿色山羊 continued for several years 的reafter until 1961.

During its reign as newbb电子平台’s premier humor magazine, 的 绿色山羊 averaged seven issues a year, including such annual issues as 的 “Frosh Number,“足球号码”,的“初中舞会舞曲”,和“圣诞数字”,” as well as colorful and popular historically timely issues such as 的 “Prohibition Number” and 的 “Russian Number.” As students came and went, staff and quality of 的 绿色山羊 fluctuated over 的 years. 不过, 的 magazine’s content consistently and simultaneously both embraced student life and mocked it. 正如一位作家总结的那样, “Many battles have been won by sarcasm, and if you are 的 one to be hit, remember that it was done for O.U.是为了你好,不是为了你.”

For more information about materials in 的 大学档案馆, please contact 比尔Kimok他是大学档案管理员.

Here are a few sample images from our collection of 的 绿色山羊:

绿色山羊 Cover 1913, titled "Bonehead Number" and featuring a drawing of a skull smoking a pipe
绿色山羊 Cover 1930: features a cartoon drawing of a young man surrounded by floating images of 的 heads of young women, 标题是“性是必要的吗??"
绿色山羊 "Hail Seniors" cover: features a cartoon drawing of an old man in a toga and laurel wreath confronting a young man wearing a suit jacket over a toga, 标题是“Et Tu Brute”?"