
Juvenile Literature Collection


The Juvenile Literature Collection in the 档案 and 特殊的集合 Department has more than 2,200种图书. 关闭 to 200 come from the private collection of 亨利·艾尔:没错. The collection primarily includes works of fiction and non-fiction by British and American authors that stretch from the early 19th to the mid-20th century. The reading level for the collection covers the years from preschool through the eighth grade. 图书馆员, teachers (especially early childhood/elementary and middle level educators) and others serving this age group would also enjoy reading in and studying the volumes in the collection.

The collection is largely works of fiction. Boys and girls during the time span mentioned (as they do now) had a variety of book series available to choose from for their reading pleasure. These series frequently portrayed specific gender roles for males and females in society during those times. A series title would have a heroine or hero allowing the reader to follow the adventures and travels of the infamous character or character type. The majority of the titles and series in the collection belong to the so-called ‘for boys only’ series although series for girls are also amply represented. Examples of series authors and their series titles are listed below:

作者Series Title or Series Character

The numbers of titles vary; there are, 例如, only a few titles in the “五只小辣椒” series, but more than 100 titles by 白手起家的. Some of the titles include duplicates, e.g., there are four editions (with five copies) of Alger’s book 伊利火车男孩.

The ‘classics’ of juvenile literature for this time period are also well represented. The collection includes titles such as Alice’s Adventure’s in Wonderland, 《newbb电子》汉斯Brinker海蒂小妇人Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm瑞士罗宾逊一家《双城记金银岛,仅举几例. For many of these works users will find more than one edition.


In the realm of works of non-fiction, the collection includes books in history, 游戏和玩耍, 和科学, with pockets of potential interest for a variety of users. In biography, 例如, books by the writer 雅各阿伯特 (1803-1879) address numerous figures in both classical and English history (even so, Abbott’s writings are represented more heavily by his works of fiction–the “罗洛” series–and books on religious life for youth). 男孩自己的玩具制造商 (1860)和 我们去户外玩吧 (1940) cover 游戏和玩耍 for different generations. The limited number of books on science in the collection includes Number Stories of Long Ago (1919), The 伯吉斯花卉书 for Children (1923), 自然历史 (1866), 动物王国 (1916)和 The New Wonder Book of Knowledge (1935).

Storytellers may find titles such as 传统的故事 (1906), 印度民间故事 (1911)和 Picture Tales from the Russian (1920 translation) to be useful. Children’s librarians and elementary school teachers interested in story time will find Finger Plays For Nursery and Kindergarten by Emilie Poulsson (1921) in the collection, along with 孩子们最好的故事 (1938). 标题如 瑞典童话 (1893), 瑞典的传说 (1888), 托普西的故事 (1937),《罗洛游记》(日内瓦的罗洛荷兰的罗洛等.), newbb电子平台的故事 (1870), as well as collections of stories by 安徒生 add a multicultural interest and an international flavor to the collection.

There are other wonderful delights in the collection that a reader will discover when looking closely. It includes one volume of the monthly journal for boys and girls, 小朝圣者 (卷. 1月13日.12月. 1866). It also includes wonderful illustrations; Washington Irving’s 瑞普·凡·温克尔 (1888 edition), Louisa May Alcott’s 纺车故事 (1923 edition), Juliana Horatio Ewing’s 夫人. Overtheway的记忆里 (几个版本),以及 One Thousand Poems for Children (1923)只是少数.

作者s, titles and series in the collection can be viewed more extensively through a search on Juvenile Literature Collection in the ALICE library catalog. More specific information may be obtained by using “limit this search” for particular authors, 出版日期(e.g., after 1899 and before 1911), or publishers.