

本页为员工提供相关定义、工具、资源和常见问题解答. 教员应参考 学院网站.

重要提示:Flexwork跟踪器可以通过我的个人信息访问,但将通过新选项卡打开. 为了使新标签被允许打开,请确保您的弹出窗口拦截器已关闭.


  • 工作日-定义于0.R.C第718条.011 (B)(2)是雇员花大部分时间进行个人服务的地方.  

  • 主要工作地点-定义在0.R.C. 第718节.011 (A) (7) is the fixed location to which an employee is required to report for employment duties on a regular and ordinary basis. 

  • 偶尔进入俄亥俄市 -定义在0.R.C. 第718节.011 (B)(1), an employer is 不 required to withhold municipal income tax on qualifying wages paid to an employee for the performance of personal services in a municipal corporation that imposes such a tax if the employee performed such services in the municipal corporation on twenty or fewer days in a 日历 year. 

  • Flexplace -部分或全部工作时间在校园工作空间以外的地方完成.

  • 弹性工作时间 - When an employee's start and/or end times change periodically or fall out side of the standard Monday - Friday 8AM-5PM work day.

  • 远程工作 -在个人家中完成部分或全部工作时间.

  • 混合工作安排 -当一些工作在校园工作空间完成,一些工作在远程家庭工作空间完成.




All University staff members will be required to use the application to record any current remote or hybrid flexible work arrangements in 个人信息 (MPI) by December 3, 2021. 

Any future flexible work arrangements must also be entered into MPI and approved by the employee’s supervisor before such future arrangements commence. 在更新MPI之前, 所有员工都应该与主管就工作安排进行沟通, 无论是既存安排还是新的安排. 在与主管交谈之后, 并达成书面协议, 然后,员工在MPI中更新他们的工作位置, a workflow will generate an alert to the supervisor requiring supervisory approval prior to submission to 大学人力资源 (UHR) for processing. 

A 一步步指导你更新你的工作地点 可以在UHR的网站上找到.


The flex work tracker will be a permanent record of your current flex work arrangement that should be an accurate reflection of work time spent in each work location. The flex work arrangement will be submitted by the employee with an accurate reflection of the work arrangement to the supervisor. 然后将提交的弹性工作安排发送给主管审批. 一旦获得批准,弹性工作安排将允许UHR更新您的预扣税记录. The flex work tracker should be updated and maintained timely to ensure an accurate reflection of time worked in each work location. 


只要你有一个可预见的, 工作地点或时间表的可预测变化应该更新弹性工作跟踪器. 例如:  

  • If you work 2 days in the office and 3 days at home and your schedule changes from 3 days in the office and 2 days at home the flex work tracker should be updated before the new schedule begins. 

  • During the academic year I work 5 days a week in the office and during the summer months I work 2 days per week from home. The flex work tracker should be updated at the beginning and end of each summer to reflect the correct schedule before the summer flex schedule begins or ends.  

  • 我100%在家工作,但是我的部门给了我6周的通知,我必须每周回学校5天. The flex work tracker should be updated prior to the start of the schedule change to reflect the correct percentage of time in each work location. 




The percentage of time worked in each location should be based on the number of days worked in each location as defined in the O.R.C节 718.01 (B) (2). A workday location is determined by work location an employee spends the majority of the workday performing services for the University. 由0决定.R.C第718条.01 (B) (2) (a - B), 地点之间的旅行时间应计入在主要工作地点所花费的时间.  

例如, 一个人可以在newbb电子工作4小时,然后去都柏林校区工作4小时. The time spent travelling from 雅典 to Dublin would count towards time spent working in 雅典 at the employee's primary work location, 因此, 那一天的大部分时间都在雅典工作. 即使这种雅典/都柏林的分裂在一年中每周发生一次,它也会发生 不 require any changes to your flexplace arrangement or tax records as all workdays would be taxed at your Primary work location.  

我通常会在家里的办公室远程办公, 但是我周四要参加一个2小时的员工会议. 我怎么知道我的工作日是在哪里进行的?

O.R.C节 718.01 (B) (2) defines a workday location as the principal place of work where an employee spends the majority of any given workday. 因此, 你的工作日将是在家里,因为你的大部分工作日是在你的作业地点度过的.  

我有一个灵活的工作时间安排,允许我在家里工作两天,在学校工作三天. 我在每个地点花费的时间百分比是多少?


我是一名员工,只是偶尔来学校,而且只占用不到一半的工作时间. 我需要在Flex跟踪器中报告我的日程安排吗?

是的,你应该把弹性工作制报告为100%在家工作. 如果你的情况发生了变化,大部分时间都是在校园里度过的, 应该更新弹性工作跟踪器以反映时间表的变化. 


你的弹性工作制追踪器会保持不变,但你的 地址应更新 and a new federal (W-4) and state withholding certificate should be submitted with the effective date of your change in work location.

我遇到了一个不可预见的情况,需要我远程工作一段不可预测的时间. 我无法更新我的flexplace跟踪器,直到我回到校园.

Unforeseeable and unpredictable schedule changes or unreported schedule changes will require manual intervention from the payroll/tax office. 您可以拨打电话与工资部联系 payroll@俄亥俄州.edu 和740-593-1636. 


It is recommended to discuss the flex work arrangement with your new supervisor and make a mutual decision on if an update is needed. 


A discussion with the supervisor should take place to determine if the current flex work arrangement is still applicable. 

我目前在家里的办公室全职远程工作, 但是我的部门提前六周通知我,我将每周回学校工作五天. 如何记录弹性工作制?

目前的弹性安排是100%在家远程工作,直到现场返回校园日期. Before the return to campus the employee should update flex arrangement with an effective date beginning on the return to campus date. 员工应在生效日期前将申请提交主管审批. 请参考newbb电子平台工资单 日历 查看薪资处理日期.


 O.R.C第718条.011 (B)(1), 20日规则: an employer is 不 required to withhold municipal income tax on qualifying wages paid to an employee for the performance of personal services in a municipal corporation that imposes such a tax if the employee performed such services in the municipal corporation on twenty or fewer days in a 日历 year, unless one of the following conditions applies:(a) The employee's principal place of work is located in the municipal corporation.(b)雇员在市政公司的一个或多个假定的工作地点提供服务.   

Spending less than 20 workdays in a municipality does 不 require a flex work tracker change nor does it cause a requirement for The University to withhold municipal income tax. 

I am a full-time remote worker but if an unforeseeable schedule change will make me exceed more than 20 days at a campus location do I pay taxes to that municipality all year?

No, municipal income tax withholding requirements are only for the number of days spent performing service inside the municipality. Employees working more than 20 days in municipality should update the flex work tracker to reflect the percentage of time worked in each location. 

I have a verbally agreed upon flex arrangement that will begin next week but my supervisor has an unexpected leave and is unable to approve my flex work tracker submission.

你可联络你的 HR 联络 协助部门及时审批. 


Flexwork跟踪器可以通过我的个人信息访问,但将通过一个新标签打开. 为了使新标签被允许打开,请确保您的弹出窗口拦截器已关闭. 如果您遇到其他困难,请联系OIT. 

当我打开Flexwork Tracker时,为什么我看不到我当前的一个或多个任务?

只有主任务才会反映在Flexwork跟踪器中. 次要分配是通过外部进程处理的. It is also important to 不e that student assignments and academic semester appointments will 不 appear in the Flexwork Tracker. 

如果你没有看到你的主要任务(除了学生或学术学期的约会), 请联系UHR寻求帮助.