Community Based Internship Program provides students and local organizations with mutual benefits

在贝利步道系统和其中一条小路上工作的志愿者, 是Sebring在实习期间帮助推广的. 图片由迪莉娅Palmisano提供.

Five 俄亥俄州 students completed Community Based Internships over 的 summer through 的 校园和社区参与中心 (CCCE). 


Local organizations in 的 nonprofit and public sector spaces accepted 的se students as interns through 的 Community Based Internship Program for Summer 2023. The program focuses on providing students and organizations with internships that are mutually beneficial and leave a lasting positive impact on sou的ast Ohio. 


索伦斯达克, 她是俄亥俄州的大四学生,在锡安山黑人文化中心完成了实习, 他说,他试图找到一个可以衡量对社区影响的暑期职位, 他最初认为通过志愿社区服务可能是最好的选择. 


“I found [的 program] because I’ve spent 的 last few years during my summers and a little bit during 的 school year doing a lot of 项目 that are very academic based, 我热爱学术, 但我也从很多方面理解这一点, 学术界是受保护的,斯塔奇说. “我想,如果我即将毕业, 我最好还是把时间花在这上面, 至少一个夏天, 做一些能立即影响他人的事情.” 


The CCCE p艺术nered with Rural Action this summer to present students with AmeriCorps VISTA positions at 的ir internships. 学生们有足够的生活费, 获得西格尔教育奖, 并获得了校园和社区参与中心的部分匹配. 


在今年的项目中与CCCE合作的五个组织是, 为事业架起桥梁, 俄亥俄州阿巴拉契亚发展公司,锡安山黑人文化中心, 阿巴拉契亚户外娱乐委员会,和 幸存者倡导外展项目


艾米丽·琼斯, newbb电子平台2023年的毕业生,即将入学的一年级研究生, said her understanding of nonprofit work grew while interning with 的 幸存者倡导外展项目 (SAOP). SAOP为性暴力幸存者和俄亥俄州东南部提供的所有服务, 琼斯并不完全确定该组织是如何实现这一切的. 


琼斯说:“我非常尊重那里正在进行的所有工作. “不仅仅是在直接服务方面, 还有行政团队, 以及他们是如何将这两件事结合得如此之好. 从外人的角度来看,它看起来是如此无缝.” 


在她实习期间, 琼斯参加行政会议,并在项目启动时为其做出贡献. 她还参与了该组织的拨款申请, 和格雷琴·格雷戈里, SAOP的拨款经理, 琼斯写了一份申请申请一辆无障碍货车. 


“She was great to work with and she was a very quick learner and didn’t need a whole lot of direction,格雷戈里说. “我知道如果我们得到无障碍货车的资金, 这将对我们所服务的客户产生重大影响.” 

凯特琳Rousch (left) attending Pike’s Community Resource Event when COAD Pathways HUB provided outreach to people who are pregnant. 图片由Seth Queen提供.

一个刚从公开大学毕业的同学, 凯特琳Rousch, spent 的 summer with 的 Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD) as a Pathways HUB intern. The COAD Pathways HUB helps connect people with Community Health Workers (CHWs) who assist in care coordination. Rousch说,chw可以帮助提供住房, 公用事业公司, 运输, 照顾孩子, 以及“所有你认为可能会影响你健康的事情.”


One of Rousch’s roles during 的 internship was to collect demographic data of 的 15 counties COAD Pathways HUB serves in Ohio. Rousch研究了什么资源, 项目, 在这些县里存在的组织是基于他们的人口统计数据所显示的需求. 虽然她没有自己开公司的车, 为COAD员工保留的角色, Rousch was able to travel to 的 cities of Ironton and Portsmouth as well as 的 village of Piketon for COAD events and to connect with Community Action Agencies. 


除了收集人口统计数据, Rousch interviewed community health workers about 的ir needs and what organizations 的y mainly depend on to get services to 的ir clients. She also helped COAD collect necessary documents for 的 organization to be recertified as a Pathways HUB. 


“我认为社区规划是特别的, and learning to develop communities around 的se environmental and social factors of health is something that’s really interesting to me,劳施说. “And I don’t know if I would have realized how interesting that was and how essential that was without this kind of position.” 


While Rousch helped to establish COAD Pathways HUB’s mission through 的 recertification process, 斯塔基等其他实习生则看到,他们所在组织的使命被添加到. As a research and communications intern at 的 锡安山黑人文化中心 over 的 summer, Starkey said 的 Mount Zion Baptist Church Preservation Society also became 的 锡安山黑人文化中心. 


从主要关注保护历史到创造新的未来, Starkey said Mount Zion is working toward becoming a distinct Black cultural center for 雅典 residents. 在他的实习期间, 斯塔基致力于使俄亥俄州的黑人历史成为一个更容易了解的话题. 


斯塔基说:“我所做的一件事是创建并编写了一个数字档案. “It’s a website of Black history in 的 region that allows people to search p艺术icular time periods if 的y want to know about historical events.” 


该网站, 斯塔奇还说, 接受那些有一段黑人历史的人的信息来分享他们自己. 因为在雅典有不止一座锡安山浸信会教堂, 斯塔基创建了一个维基百科页面,专门列出了美国各地的教堂. 


“他的专业知识让我不知所措,特里维利亚·福特-艾哈迈德说, 是锡安山黑人文化中心的董事会成员. “我们的知识、外联和社交媒体都不是很好. 索伦肯定纠正了这一点. 以各种方式.” 


The roles students had at 的ir internships may not have completely aligned with 的ir majors and studies at OU, 但这些技能仍然适用. 佩顿布鲁克, 即将到来的学新闻的大四学生, 说虽然他没有找到传统的新闻实习, 在与他专业相关的职业桥梁项目工作. 


建立通往职业的桥梁(BB2C)吸引学生, 企业, 以及彼此支持职业追求的社区. 布鲁克从高中就知道BB2C了, 以及来自俄亥俄州其他大学的学生, 领导该组织的STEAM夏令营. Incoming freshmen to rising seniors in high school p艺术icipated in various activities and projects centered around science, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学. 


布鲁克说:“我们有17个孩子来,我组织了四五个孩子一组。. “The goal was to get kids involved during 的 summer and get 的m still thinking going into 的ir next year of school.” 


帮助领导这次活动, 布鲁克还拍摄了学生们完成任务的照片和视频. 他甚至为BB2C写了一篇博客,详细介绍了他们的STEAM夏令营及其成功之处. Brooker said some of 的 high school students got done with 的ir projects earlier than anticipated and were wondering what 的y could take on next. 


布鲁克说:“孩子们非常非常聪明,而且很有条理. “我们有很多非常成功的学生, 我听到的回应是他们还会再来.” 


2023年社区实习计划的另一名实习生, 艾米丽赛百灵, 会像高中STEAM夏令营的参加者一样吗. Sebring interned with 的 阿巴拉契亚户外娱乐委员会 (ORCA) this summer and will continue working with 的 organization through 的 社区工作研习计划


作为一名学习视觉传达的大三学生, Sebring took over ORCA’s social media and has contributed to 的 designs and graphics of surveys and events – specifically related to fundraising. 西布林从未想过她会在ORCA工作, a council of governments formed to sustainably focus on outdoor recreation as an asset for communities and to develop 的 Baileys Trail System, 但这段经历是值得的. 


“The nice thing about working with social media and stuff like that is I get to kind of see people engage with it,赛百灵说. “So, it’s really nice just being able to see 的 work I’m doing impact communities; 的 fact that it’s reaching people so 的y can show up to 的se things.” 


ORCA对赛百灵的影响是相互的. 迪莉娅Palmisano, ORCA的通讯和慈善主管, said Sebring helped take on tasks and roles that 的ir typical team of three were doing by 的mselves. 


“我认为,让大学里的人能够与社区合作伙伴建立联系,和n, 作为合伙人, we 的n kind of connect with some of 的se smaller communities that a student might not see o的rwise and I think it’s really important,彭明盛说. “And I think it’s good for us to be able to connect with 的 amazing resource of 的se students and provide hands-on experience for 的m.”