Community Work Study

联邦社区工作研究(CWS)计划为符合条件的newbb电子平台学生提供社区工作. CWS由社区参与中心和财政援助办公室协调. 这个就业和体验式学习的机会旨在帮助你支付大学教育的费用, reinforce your educational and career goals, and enable you to engage with the community. Award amounts can vary, 但是社区工作学习的学生通常有资格在秋季和春季每学期工作150小时, 夏季通常每周20-36小时,每小时11美元. Remote and in-person work is available, and this program serves students on all Ohio University campuses.

The Community Work-Study Program allows you to:

  • Gain relevant, career-related work experience
  • 与非营利性和公共服务相关领域的专业人士有直接接触
  • 与可以帮助你在毕业后找到工作的社区伙伴建立联系
  • Meaningfully engage with the community


How to Apply for Students and Host Sites

Program Dates


CWS奖学金基于学生免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)的结果。. Undergraduate, graduate, and professional students are eligible for the program, 最终资格由newbb电子平台财政援助办公室确定. Since this a federally funded program, 学生不得参与任何党派或非宗教活动,作为其工作的一部分.

2023-2024 Program Dates

  • Second Summer Pay Period 2023  6/18/23 – 8/26/23
  • Fall Pay Period 8/27/23 - 12/30/23
  • Spring Pay Period 12/31/23 - 5/11/24
  • First Summer Pay Period 5/12/24 - 6/15/24

Apply or Become a Host Site

For Students

To qualify for a CWS position, a student must be enrolled for the academic semester/year, be in good academic standing, 并且必须在申请该计划之前完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). 学生可以在他们从经济援助办公室收到的经济援助奖励信中确定他们是否符合勤工俭学资格, or by contacting their Financial Aid Advisor. 鼓励学生明确询问他们是否有资格获得 Community Work Study Program when reaching out to Financial Aid.

财政援助办公室将根据FAFSA做出资格的最终决定. Upon placement, students will report their hours via Workforce, with their supervisor verifying their timesheet. While in the program, 学生每小时可以挣10美元,在学期中每周可以工作10个小时, and up to 28 hours per week during the summer.

Student Application Instructions

Applications to the Community Work Study Program are accepted via GivePulse. 如果您以前没有登录过,请点击我们页面右上角的“登录” GivePulse page 使用您的俄亥俄电子邮件地址和密码通过俄亥俄州立大学的单点登录登录.

Once you have created your account, join the Community Work Study Program group. 系统将提示您申请加入该组,并提交您的PID以验证您的资格. If determined eligible, 您将被允许进入该组,然后您可以通过点击 CWS Positions tab above the About section. If a position is still open, an Apply Now button will appear in the top right corner. Once you have submitted your application materials, 如果主办单位对你的申请感兴趣,他们会联系你安排面试.

Regional campus students 是否可以访问组中列出的职位的主列表,并且还可以在组页面上“关于”部分下面的子组部分中找到特定于其校园的子组. 来自区域社区合作伙伴的机会被交叉分配到这些分组中, 整个学院的学生都可以获得远程机会. 

Once admitted into the program, CCE会将学生与大学人力资源部联系起来,并安排一个简短的迎新会,与我们的工作人员一起向学生介绍项目并回答任何问题.

For Community Host Sites

To be a host site for the Community Work Study program, the organization must be a nonprofit or government agency. 如果你有兴趣成为一个主机站点,请联系到 安排一次入职培训会议,并按照下面的说明发布职位.

Step 1: 

Option a) If you haven't yet, create a user account on GivePulse 点击右上角的“注册”,输入你的姓名、电子邮件和密码. (当学生申请你的职位时,这个电子邮件地址将被发送通知.)

Option b) Reach out to 我们的工作人员会手动将您的帐户添加到步骤2中提到的GivePulse和社区工作研究小组.

第二步:一旦你有了newbb电子平台的账户,找到并选择 Community Work Study Program 点击“Subgroups”下的图标,或点击此链接申请加入 Community Work Study program group. You will be prompted to request membership. Scroll down, indicate you are a community partner, and enter N/A for PID and other student-only information.the Ohio University Give Pulse page


Step 4: On the Community Work Study GivePulse page, 导航到“CWS职位”选项卡,选择右上角的“提交实习”.

第五步:填写职位描述和详细信息,完成表格,保存并提交. 在CCE审核该职位后,“实习”将不会公布.

If you are requesting a non-remote student employee, 请提交表格末尾所要求的其他文件.

第六步:CCE将审查您的提交,并要求您的组织与财务援助办公室一起创建CWS安置. We strive to meet the needs of all of our partners, however, 这个项目每年的实习名额是有限的, so every request may not be able to be approved.

  • Upon approval, 您将收到通知,您的职位已被公布,您的职位将出现在符合条件的学生可访问的开放机会列表中. 当学生申请该职位时,该职位的管理员和CCE工作人员将收到通知.
  • 区域校园附属机构和远程职位将在区域校园小组中交叉发布, 它允许地区学生在他们的社区中专门浏览机会,并搜索主列表.

第七步:鼓励社区合作伙伴联系申请人,并在学生申请时方便地进行面试. Once the determination to move forward and hire a student is made, 请与考特尼联系,与经济援助办公室正式签约. CCE将跟进学生,向Human提交必要的文件

Download the Community Work Study Host-Site Handbook